Fishing Reports

Pere Marquette River fishing reports for trout, salmon, and steelhead by the guides from Baldwin Bait & Tackle.

November 17, 2020

Well, we didn't call it Baldwin "Bait & Tackle" for no reason I guess, but if you'd have asked me a month ago if I'd ever be running more than just flies or pitching a little hardware on my guide trips I most likely...

November 10, 2020

Sorry for the delayed report, things have been tough (and I have been busy)!!!!  Crystal clear water from top to bottom...and we have been throwing the kitchen sink at them.  Flies, yarn, beads and lures....after all we are Baldwin Bait and Tackle!!!  (Just a...

November 2, 2020

- Public service announcement - I hadn't planned on posting again for a little while having just had a few planned days of R&R, but I just got word from the shop that the word on the river is several trees down between McDougall...

October 27, 2020

First off, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our annual Fall River cleanup on Saturday!!! We wound up with another 6 or 8 folks after this photo below was taken and a total of 10 boats that made their way down...

October 20, 2020

Shop hours are 8am - 6pm daily! After completing a very strong finish to our salmon run; we are switching focus now to steelhead and trout.  It was an impressive late run of kings this year with plenty still around, but mostly past their "expiration...

October 14, 2020

Our shop hours will be changing from 7am to 7pm daily to 8am to 6pm daily on Sunday the 18th. Also, our annual Fall PM River Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday the 24th, please save the date and join us; more details to follow,...

October 07, 2020

Shop hours are still 7am to 7pm everyday!!! The kings have still been rolling in the lower and middle river...better late then never!!!  It has been awesome battling "Early September" caliber fish in early October!  There are fresh fish still in the pools and staging....

October 6, 2020

Hey guys, just a quick one from me this morning as I am short on time, but I've uploaded a bunch (Not all by any means! ;^) of photos to give you an idea of what's still going on... Had our annual two day "Tweksbury"...

September 30, 2020

Shop hours are 7am-7pm everyday!!! The seasons are changing and so are the fall colors!!!!  We have experienced a week of a solid migration of king salmon.  The run started late and looked weak, but the reinforcements showed up!!!!  There are plenty of fish in...

September 28, 2020

Well... The fish showed up! (Pretty much the same day I posted my last report in the am.) This year is apparently very much like one we had about ten years ago and they simply showed up late. If you were here early and...