June 16, 2023
Shop Hours are 8am to 6pm Daily
I have been dragging my feet to publish an updated report...Fishing has been decent, but not great. We experienced both ends of the spectrum since my last report. Excellent action to a very slow bite at times. The...
July 3, 2023
Tomorrow not only marks our country’s 247th year of independence, but it also marks our 27th year in business here at BBT!
We opened our doors on July 4th, 1996 and only remain open because of all of you… Thank you so much and a...
December 9, 2020
Have you, or anyone you know, been contemplating a new rod, reel, waders, fly line, jacket, etc. or do you even just purchase some flies, lures, terminal tackle or tippet throughout the year? Why not do it on a discount!?!?
As is our tradition we...
BBT Christmas Special!!
Heck, I almost forgot to post this again at all this year and it's been going since Thanksgiving or December 1st I believe... In short, have you, or anyone you know, been contemplating a new rod, reel, waders, fly line, jacket, etc. or even...
May 3, 2019
Hey Guys,
Just have time for a quick post, but wanted to get it done today. First off, the weather is awesome and is actually supposed to remain that way until Sunday evening when we may get some more wet stuff. This will work out...
March 4, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily
The spring steelhead season is off to a strong start! The shop is loaded up with inventory (except fly tying material...coming soon). All our off season down time is in the rear-view and we are ready! We are...
November 4, 2022
Hey guys, long time, sorry... After my last report I took some time off as stated therein and have stayed pretty busy since. As John said in his report (If you haven't read it, you should! Click here.) our heartfelt thanks goes out to...
October 19, 2022
New Shop Hours are 8am - 6pm Daily
We are hosting our annual Fall River Clean-Up this Saturday (October 22). Please help us keep the Pere Marquette River pristine! Every little bit helps, if we all do our part. We will be meeting at the...
December 8, 2020
Shop hours are currently 9am - 5pm daily
We are offering our “Holiday Special” as a thank you to everyone…20% off Gift Certificates from now until December 24, 2020. Redeemable for shop merchandise and Lodging (not applicable for guide trips and sale items in the...
September 8, 2022
Hey guys, quick note, I have a client who has to cancel September 13th, so if anyone is interested in picking up this prime date just give the shop a call. (231) 745-3529. (9/9/2022 morning edit. This date has now been filled. Thank you!)