Shop Hours 8am – 6pm everyday or Shop On-Line anytime at BBT On-Line Store
Crazy conditions continue around here! The hex hatch is history (for the most part here on the Pere Marquette River). It started early (June 4 was the first night I discovered them) and then the water was too warm to fish the hex water and by the time the water temps dropped we only were able to hit the tail end of the hatch…we missed most of it due to poor conditions and doing “the right thing” when the water temps were too warm. However, we finally received some much needed rain throughout the area. The river came up and colored up nicely, but has already crested in the upper sections.

I have started my summer attractor and foam program earlier then normal. It has been paying off with some real quality fish to hand and some others that got away. I have seen some awesome takes since my last report on daytime dries. Hitting the banks, bubble lines and tight to the structure has been rewarding anglers. Twitch bugs sub-surface has paid off on several days too. Rubber legged foam patterns and stonefly patterns have been very fun to fish. Don’t be afraid of running 3X on those bigger patterns to keep the bigger fish out of the wood!

We were able to sneak in some quality streamer fishing over the last couple days too. Black and Olive produced, but white and tan got lots of attention too. It was a nice change of pace. The river is dropping and clearing in the upper sections, until the next storm rolls through. The bump in water levels made the after dark fishing a little tougher, but that will pick up where it left off once the water drops. It was pretty good before the storms hit.

Who knows what the rest of the season will bring??? The hatches and weather have been a wild rollercoaster ride and making us “chase our tails” more then normal. Adapting to the conditions and making the most of opportunities has kept us smiling. I want to thank everyone who has been in our boats this month!!! We have been extremely busy and grateful to be doing what we do!!! We also appreciate everyone’s flexibility about the conditions and last minute changes to the plan…weather, water temps and conditions have us off our “normal” float plans for this time of year. Regardless, it’s worked out well on most days…but there were a couple tougher days too. After all, it’s fishing…they don’t always want to bite.

I would consider us at half time of the summer trout season, so you still have plenty of time to hit the river. Hoppers and attractor patterns will be our primary focus and after dark waking flies. It’s a great time to enjoy a day/evening of trout fishing on the Pere Marquette River. Give the shop a call to book a trip (231-745-3529) and/or a Motel room…we have guides and rooms available.

It’s been a wild and unpredictable season, so stay tuned for more updates! Please respect anglers space on the river and please DON’T fish through boats on anchor…whether they are fishing, eating, changing flies, talking or whatever!!! Let’s give each other some space and show some respect for one another out there! Enjoy your time on the river and good luck out there!
I.can’t.wait. See you on the 7th with C. Silvis.