Steve Fraley's Reports

Pere Marquette River fishing reports for trout, salmon, and steelhead from Baldwin Bait & Tackle.

April 17, 2021

Hey guys, I said I'd post a more detailed report today, but I lied... Just discovered that I have Monday and Tuesday off so that'll...

April 16, 2021

Well, it appears as though I’ve totally spaced out on the website reporting outside of a few social media post here and there. I’m...

April 5, 2021

Hi guys, I've had the "day off" for an appointment earlier today so had a little time and figured I'd toss up an addition...

April 2, 2021

Hi guys, just another quick one from me this morning, but I wanted to give "fair warning" to those of you making the trek...

March 25, 2021

Hi guys! In the tradition of "We're in the middle of the season and have no time!" or, "We're burning the proverbial candle at...

March 19, 2021

Hey guys, Just a quick one from me from the river this morning as I am running low on time as usual and probably ought...

March 13, 2021

03/13/2021 - 6:00am update to below: NEWS FLASH! We have two guides that opened up for Sunday. John Robinson and Kam, Donnie has the...

February 22, 2021

Hey guys, Just a quick one I'm posting from right here on the river this morning and I'll try to post something with more...

February 4, 2021

Well, hopefully you all find enough useful, informative or even funny at times new content in my reports to keep you coming back?!? Fact...

January 22, 2021 – Part 2

I'mmmm back! Better late than never, but I did say "before the end of the day" when I signed off earlier. (Sorry about the...