May 29, 2020
The shop is re-opened for business...9-5 everyday!!!
We have been limiting occupancy capacity to 10 and cleaning all surfaces frequently for everyones well being. It feels very good to have life back in our business and to be back on the river guiding again....
June 5, 2019
Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm seven days a week. We have guides and lodging available…please call to inquire or book a trip/room – 231-745-3529. Currently, my open Guide dates are : June 7 – 11, 19, 24, 26 – 30 & Lots of...
June 12, 2019
Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm seven days a week. We have guides and lodging available…please call to inquire or book a trip/room – 231-745-3529. Currently, my open Guide dates are : June 26, 27, 29, 30 July 1 - 3, 7, 8,...
March 16, 2021
Shop Hours are 8am - 6pm Daily!!!
Before I begin my report, I would like to honor a great man and client that passed away this week. Forest "Woody" Reichert left this world and he left his mark; leaving this earth a better place. He...
November 2, 2023
Shop Hours 8am -6pm Daily
Thank you to everyone that cared enough to participate in our Fall River Clean-up! Thank you...very fun day and we made a huge difference!!!!
We have been grinding in low water again. The fall steelhead action is paralleling the fall...
July 12, 2022
Shop Hours are still 8am to 6pm daily!!!
It's hard to believe it's almost Mid-July...WOW!!! Time flies when your having fun chasing trout. It's certainly not over! It's attractor season and terrestrial time. Either early mornings trying to beat the heat or late afternoon with...
March 18, 2020
We are still open for business....Shop hours are currently 7am to 5pm Sunday thru Thursday and 7am to 7pm Friday and Saturday
We are in unchartered waters...It has been a crazy week with the Coronavirus Pandemic effecting everyone in the world in some manner. The...
John’s Guide Report – 10/16/2018
Shop Hours: 7am to 5pm Seven days a week…please stop in or call for your fishing supplies, guides and/or Motel rooms…231-745-3529.
Fall River Clean-Up - Saturday, October 27…Please join us for the day and help keep our river beautiful. We will meet at the shop...
November 20, 2024
Shop Hours 9am - 5pm Daily
November is not over....2/3's in the books and 1/3 left to write. It has been up and down, but mostly up. A couple slower days due to low water/blue skies and/or the fish pushed through where we were that...
March 30, 2021
The shop hours are 7am to 7pm daily!!!
The river is low and clear, fishing pressure is high and the fish are spooky! We have very low water for this time of year and we are working for "biters"!
Eggs are slowly taking over with all...