The shop is still a mess from the flood, but will be getting new carpet soon.  Please excuse our mess for the time being…we will be better then ever soon enough.  The shop hours are 7am to 5pm Sunday through Thursday and 7am to 7pm Friday and Saturday.  The busy season is upon us…please respect anglers space.  The best policy is to ask before you cast!  Let’s all have fun, not drama.

The upper river has a very light stain and the middle river is tea colored.  The water temp is finally increasing and fish are spawning.  But there are new fish in the pools and runs!  The salmon fry bite has picked up; along with hexes, black stones and sparrows.  The egg bite has not slowed down with cream clowns, chartreuse and pale nukes getting the most attention.  The water is clearing, but the flow is still very good!  The fish have been big and beating us up.  Check your knots, tighten your drag and dig in your heels!!!

We have set a date for our spring river clean-up…Saturday – April 20…more details in the near future.  Please keep the date in your calendar and spread the word.

I have been extremely busy and loving being on the water very day.  We have guides and motel rooms available most days through April.  We have a been experiencing a very strong run of steelhead and the trout bite is picking up too.  I have seen a couple trout rise in the warmth of the afternoons….it’s only a matter of time!  I still have some quality days open in late April, so please contact the shop to book a trip…231-745-3529.

It was a good week….enjoy the pictures and thank you to all that put up with me!


Good luck out there and enjoy the tug!

