Current Shop hours are 8am to 6pm daily!!! Or shop On-Line anytime!! Our 2022 spring steelhead season is in the books and I would like to thank everyone that fished with us, shopped in our store and/or stayed at the Motel. Your continued support is appreciated and valued!!! THANK YOU from all the Guides, Shop Staff and Housekeepers!!! It was an awesome run this year, but all good things must come to an end…It’s now time to turn the page and focus on our amazing trout fishery! There are still some steelhead throughout the system and on the right day (and right traffic) there are enough to make a day out of for sure. We are switching out rods, but will keep some steelhead gear in the boat for a couple more weeks…just incase.
While discussing our gratitude…Another HUGE THANK YOU to all the participants involved in our River Clean-Up last Saturday! We made a difference and have a lot to be proud of for sure! “Actions speak louder then words”…giving back to our beloved resource twice a year is a drop in the bucket. If you are interested in participating please keep an eye on our reports in Late-September or early-October for Fall 2022 Clean-Up details. Thank you so much for caring…I know my river Karma has repaid me huge dividends!!!

This Saturday is the Official “Trout Opener” in Michigan. It is always the beginning of a new season with new aspirations, goals and time wet a few new patterns. It also means putting in some evenings sitting on the bank of a trout stream looking up waiting for the bugs to drop…all the wonderful thoughts that get us through the dark of winter. Rising trout sipping bugs, violent takes on streamers, late night mousing, hexin’ and the morning buzz at the shop after a trophy has been landed…I love it!!!
I will be reporting when the bugs start hatching consistently, but until then streamer fishing is the preferred method. I got out last week one day and it was a great time! It felt wonderful to be in the front of the boat working a streamer! We had lots of looks, takes and misses…productive and exciting day of fishing. Lighter colored patterns worked well for us…white, tan, gray, but that changes daily. Don’t be afraid to change patterns frequently…both color and size/profile. Strip speed and pauses can be adjusted to improve your success…keep searching. Water clarity and water temp’s effect their behavior. Here are a couple we took photos of..
I have been seeing a few fish starting to “look-up” and feed on the surface. There have been BWO’s on overcast days and stoneflies on sunny days. Plus, many, many browns sharking all the fry in the soft water. All the browns taken recently have been very healthy and fat! It is going to be a good trout season!!! If you are interested in taking a guided trout trip please give us a call 231-745-3529. We have guides available on most days right now and will do full or half day trips. Most trips will be afternoon/evening trips, but depending on the conditions the guide might want to start early in the morning?
We should start seeing some hennies in a couple weeks, sulphur by mid-May, then gray drakes later in May thru June and Hexes starting later in June…plus, mousing in the evenings! Banging the banks while rubber-legged attractors heats up in late May too…some explosive strikes when they commit! If you can’t tell…I am getting excited! Here’s to a good season!!!
Once again, thank you everyone that joined us this spring for guided steelhead trips. We were super busy, plus we had very consistent fishing. We made some great memories and new friendships!!! Here are a couple shots from my camera that I have not published yet…Thanks again!!!!

Stay tuned for details as they develop…trout season 2022 is here!!!