October 30, 2019
Hey guys,
Sorry I didn’t get another post up before last weekend, but John did a nice job and beat me to it and now he has yet again! ? ?
First off, the obligatory reminder! Our 23rd annual (I believe our first was in 1997...
October 21, 2019
Hey guys,
Just a quick announcement first... If you’re interested in a great weekend that’s coming right up please join us on Saturday, November 2nd for our annual Fall River Cleanup! We (BBT) provide the garbage bags, car spots for those that need them...
October 7, 2019
Hey guys,
As some of you already know, and many of you have already guessed, on October 1st I made arrangements for my guide trips to be taken care of by others, left our business in the more than capable hands of my partner and staff...
September 29, 2019
Kameron had tomorrow and the next day (September 30 & October 1) open up last minute! Call the shop to grab these prime dates! 231-745-3529
All guide dates currently (As I type) available thru October 15th, our traditional end of Salmon season as the focus...
September 21, 2019
Hey guys,
Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said, but I did promise a full report today so I’ll reiterate! ?
The river is currently in great shape with fish throughout the system in every stage of the run from brand new to...
September 13, 2019
Hey guys,
just a real quick one from me here this morning. In case you hadn’t noticed it’s been raining around here a bit lately and the river is up and colored.
We’ve been fishing down that way all season so far searching for, and...
September 8, 2019
New Shop Hours Starting tomorrow morning 9/9/2019. 6am to 6pm daily! Please stop in or give us a call for all your fishing and lodging needs and we’ll look forward to seeing you... 231-745-3529
PM Report is below AK photos...
Hey guys,
I’ve been meaning to...
July 19, 2019
Hello from the great state of Alaska! No, I haven’t been eaten by a bear or abducted by aliens, but yes, I have been enjoying the heck out of “being unplugged”... As a matter of fact, this is the first time I’ve used the...
June 6, 2019
Hi guys,
I just realized it's been more than a month since I posted here, but hopefully you've been following our Facebook page (Post are also shown on the sidebar of our homepage here!) as I have done a little better with that.
Anyway, much has...
May 3, 2019
Hey Guys,
Just have time for a quick post, but wanted to get it done today. First off, the weather is awesome and is actually supposed to remain that way until Sunday evening when we may get some more wet stuff. This will work out...