- Shop hours are currently 7am to 5pm Sunday thru Thursday and 7am to 7pm Friday and Saturday! Please stop in if you’re in the area!
Like everyone else we are feeling the impact of the current zombie apocalypse and the timing couldn’t be worse! The shop is freshly stocked up on Simms, Sage, Redington, Echo, TFO, Wapsi, Hareline & Montanta Fly Company fly tying materials, Fish Pond bags & nets, SA and Rio fly line just to name a few as well as flies, leaders, running lines and all the terminal tackle!

Since we have to sell most of that stuff in order to pay for it this is just a reminder! If, for some reason you don’t make it up, we are more than happy to ship most anything we carry if you feel like being so kind as to save a purchase or two for us rather than a big box, internet or city store with their constant traffic verses our seasonal limitations here… As always, we truly appreciate all of your business past, present and future!! 231-745-3529
Fortunately, many of our Steelheaders do realize that this is one of the safest places to be right now in the fresh clean air of Northern Michigan washing your cares away in a river, but there are those that just can’t make it for a variety of understandable reasons and we just have to suck it up like everyone else around the country right now…

I’ve been having pretty good luck with filling my cancelations as they’ve occurred thus far, but just yesterday I took a major hit with a four day group trip having to bail out for this coming Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (3/23, 24, 25 & 26) so if you’re interested in some PRIME dates with lots of fish around and very light traffic, give the shop a call, I’ll be overjoyed to have ya!!

My next personal available dates (as I type this) besides the four I just mentioned above are April 9 & 17, but this of course could change so just ask when calling. Between my own openings as well as those of John K, John R, Donnie and Kam we currently have a guide or guides available on almost any given day this spring now so this may be the year to take advantage of a bad situation ang get a prime season date where they’re usually all booked a year or two in advance…

The water is in great shape right now and we have plenty of fish in the system representing all stages of the run from bright chrome pre-spawn new arrivals to drop backs and everything in-between! The trout bite has been solid as well and besides the obvious double edged sword of us wanting more people here to shop in the store I must say that the extremely light river traffic part of it has really been a joy!

FYI, I have added a permanent link to the M-37 and Bowman’s Bridge area water monitoring stations on the home page and reports page sidebar for your convenience! I will try to occasionally post a river pic along with the current gauge for a little while so we can all get a feel for what each water level actually looks like, but in short, thanks to PMTU we have a game changer of a tool for the PM angler. You can help to support this effort as well as many others by switching to or joining our chapter, but you don’t have to be a member to attend the banquet or purchase an auction/raffle item! Hit this link for all the details!

With more eggs flowing in the system that bite has picked back up, but the nymph bite remains strong as well so running one of each is probably the best bet for now and all other methods for Steelheading are producing fish also with the run in full swing. I did happen to notice a trend of new people visiting my rigging article page here recently and since I wrote all that 20+ years ago I went ahead and revisited it making some minor changes. Click here to view them if you’re interested!

I’m going to try and cut this a little shorter this week so I’ll be skipping the “soap box” for now as I think we all have enough on our minds without it already. In closing, I just want to say a huge thank you to all those of you that have spent time in the boats with us, time in the shop or stayed at the motel. It really helps a lot and we appreciate it! Please try to stay strong, stay healthy, stay positive and stay happy folks! This too shall pass…

Still Available, Some Awesome Alaska Opportunities!
If you’re looking for a really great, possibly once in a lifetime deal, I have one for you and, I am looking for a few anglers to guide myself these weeks! We are offering 3 anglers for the price of 2 the weeks of July 18th to 25th July 25th to August 1st and August 1st to the 8th! (This works out to be about 2,664.00 per person for the entire week rather than the standard weekly rate of 3,995.00)
Contact me direct or leave a message for me with Karen at the shop if interested in this 2 for 3 deal, but don’t forget, BBT’s exclusive deal kicks in the very next week! (August 8th to the 15th when eggs could start flowing and the Silvers are showing!) Check this link for details and contact the shop on that. We have do have space available!