May 3, 2023
REMINDER! PLEASE JOIN US THIS SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 at 9am for BBT’s 26th annual spring river cleanup!!
We will meet at the shop, hand out garbage bags and pick beats to cover as much river as we can. As always, we will provide free...
April 24, 2023
Well... I'm just gonna start off with WOW, what a great season! Lots of great clients, lots of great group trips and a whole lotta fun... I had a couple of unplanned days off due to cancellations as did some others, but for the...
April 10, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily!!!
Things have been crazy busy! I would like to thank all of our clients and customers for keeping us busy! Without you we would not be here, so THANK YOU!!! We are on the down slide of the...
April 2, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am – 6pm Daily!!!
The river rose quickly after Thursday nights/Friday mornings rain, but it's starting to level out in the upper sections. It might take a day to level off in the middle and lower river? Plus, there is a good...
March 30, 2023
Hey guys, I'm gonna make this one short and sweet due to some time constraints... I've been on a work hard play hard bender and burning that proverbial candle at both ends as has pretty much everyone involved in our operation. (Big shout out...
March 21, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am - 6pm Daily!!!
It's been another good week on the river!!! The weather was great, but then it was terrible over the weekend. We did get some rain Thursday afternoon and through the night. It bumped the water level and shuffled...
March 18, 2023
I haven't been upriver since my last report so I’m going to rely on John’s last report for details on flies, etc.… I’ve been running a little further downstream with floats & beads doing well most days. 10-12mm in the various forms of green...
March 13, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily
Here we go!!! The spring season is taking shape. Lots of our fall and winter fish have spawned and dropped back, but new fish are cycling into the system. The entire river system is fishing good. There are...
March 9, 2023
Sorry, it's been a minute since my last report... Staying pretty busy, but I do still have a few prime dates available as do our other guides. My personal openings are currently March 12, 27 & 31 as well as April 9th. Call to...
March 4, 2023
Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily
The spring steelhead season is off to a strong start! The shop is loaded up with inventory (except fly tying material...coming soon). All our off season down time is in the rear-view and we are ready! We are...