October 21, 2019
Hey guys,
Just a quick announcement first... If you’re interested in a great weekend that’s coming right up please join us on Saturday, November 2nd for our annual Fall River Cleanup! We (BBT) provide the garbage bags, car spots for those that need them...
October 9, 2019
It has been an interesting week to say the least! The BBT family lost a great man this week...Steve's father Stanley passed away a few days ago. For more details please read Steve's report...https://fishbaldwin.com/2019/10/07/october-7-2019/
Fishing has been really good, however it's about to get much...
October 7, 2019
Hey guys,
As some of you already know, and many of you have already guessed, on October 1st I made arrangements for my guide trips to be taken care of by others, left our business in the more than capable hands of my partner and staff...
October 3, 2019
Just a quick update... the river is ripping high right now!!!! Warning, please do NOT attempt to wade and only very experienced oarsmen should be on the river the next couple days. I am sorry to break the news, but the truth hurts...
October 1, 2019
It is hard to believe, but it's October!!! The recent rains have pumped up the river again. The river is high and still on the rise. The upper sections are "questionable" to wade, but if you know the river bottom you will be fine....
September 29, 2019
Kameron had tomorrow and the next day (September 30 & October 1) open up last minute! Call the shop to grab these prime dates! 231-745-3529
All guide dates currently (As I type) available thru October 15th, our traditional end of Salmon season as the focus...
September 24, 2019
Thank you to everyone that has been in our boats, shopping at the store and staying at the Motel BBT! Your support is appreciated!!! Our salmon season is in full swing right now, but the trout are eating eggs and streamers if you are...
September 21, 2019
Hey guys,
Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said, but I did promise a full report today so I’ll reiterate! ?
The river is currently in great shape with fish throughout the system in every stage of the run from brand new to...
September 20, 2019
Hey guys, just a quick post from the river to let you know I’ll be posting a full report sometime tomorrow...
The river is in good shape top to bottom again now and we’ve been having lots of fun every day. Pools and runs (what...
September 17, 2019
What a week!!! A LOT has happened; and I don't have time for the full blow by blow details, so here is the "Readers Digest" version. Since I last wrote, the river was fishing well in the lower sections...add a bunch of rain and...