Well, the hiatus is officially over and I’m ready to get back at it. Right on time as it turns out with this weather and water so… Let’s goooo!! We have a guide or guides available most of February as it stands as well as some scattered stuff in March thru mid April. Give the shop a call to check on dates for guides or motel rooms. 9am to 5pm daily. (231) 745-3529
Scrolling thru my phone it appears as though there are a fair number of photos from earlier in the fall/winter that were never published, but I’m opting to save the work and start off fresh here with my first trip back out since returning from Cuba. (Slide show of Cuba photos below.)

Judging from my social media feeds as well as some conversations with fellow guides and anglers it appears as though there are fishable numbers in all sections of open river right now, but like always, some days they bite better than others. Knowing where they lie in conjunction with the water conditions is a major factor as well as method and presentation…
I went for the more heavily stained water of the lower river today with new clients for a short day after speaking with a fellow guide who’d done well down there pulling plugs on Friday and Monday. Water temperature was 38 degrees, level was still shy of the banks and the clarity was quite nice above a certain creek and still manageable, but much more stained, below it.

The plan was to try and fight a few big fish on fly rods and fly reels so we did just that, but stuck with C&D rather than indicator rigs with conditions being what they are and large beads instead of flies with the anglers on board. Long story short, we may or may not have missed a fish or two, but Dallas had one hell of a battle with a big fish early on that eventually got the better of us and his dad Brandon landed the nice mid-sized buck shown above with a little color to it.
Not much more to tell just yet on the river end, but I’ll be out more regular now with or without clients and plan to keep you posted. Don’t forget you can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram for some addition content from time to time as well as the shops Facebook and Instagram feeds…
Argentina fell thru for us this year for only the second time since 2007, but luckily for me and my ‘ole buddy Steve from the one and only Barski, a couple of spots opened up on my cousin’s trip to Cuba and we were able to jump on that to mark it off the bucket list! (Worth doing again for sure and they have dates locked in for next year already if you’re interested.)
I could go on and on about the trip, the great service, guides, host, etc… but instead I’ll just post a little click the arrows slide show with some of our pics and you can contact me if you want more info. Side note: Steve and I did not spend any real time as others did chasing Permit and Tarpon, but both were caught in numbers from the group.
The shop is loaded up on most things already and is loading up daily on even more! Please consider us for your next purchase or need if you can and you already have our sincerest thanks for your continued support in a tough and saturated market…
Be well, be safe and above all, get out there and have some fun!