Hey guys, trying something new here. (Let me know at you think of this format?!?) These are actually screen recordings of my Instagram Reels, so those buttons (comment, like, share, save) don’t actually work here, but the ones across the comment area at the bottom do after you hit play!
This first clip is from Wednesday the 15th. It was nice and overcast out with air temps in the 40s all day. Water levels were what should be normal, but most consider it a few inches high these days and it went up another inch while we were out. Clarity was clear to perfect with just a very slight stain and the water temperature went from 41.9 degrees at launch to 42.3 at the takeout.
Action was very solid all day and, as hard as it is to admit it, we lost far more than we landed. Orange and chartreuse eggs in 8s and 10s as well as small black and small brown stone flies all did the trick. We did see some fish actively spawning but we did not target any of those. (Although some did run us from a hole or a deeper run on to a flat before landing. Same applies to the second clip, but we saw fewer out between the heavier stain and lower water temps.)
These clips cut out end abruptly at 60 seconds. It is not your device! ? For best viewing after you hit play on a computer hit the two dots with lines at the bottom to select 1080p and then the full screen square! Sound on of course… ??
This second clip is from yesterday. Overcast giving way to some serious snow squalls in the afternoon. Air temps were their highest at the put in being in the high 20s and steadily declined into the teens before we took out. The water level was up another couple of inches from when we took out the day prior and was at its peak for the day when we launched with a nice(er) perfect stain. (32.2″ to 41.1″ on the M37 gauge, high, but not unreasonably so. Right where I like it to be honest! It’s back down to 29.9″ right now.) Water temp had dropped overnight and started off for us at 39.8 degrees steadily decreasing to 37.5 at the takeout. (Temp as I type this is now 35.2 fyi)
The action was still solid in the morning just prior to the front moving in, but pretty much shut down for us in the afternoon once the snows actually rolled in along with the air and water temps dropping… More on chartreuse eggs than anything else, but some action on brown stones also and we lost several that we can’t confirm what they hit. All in all, it was another awesome day on the water with good friends and it just feels great to be getting out and getting after it! ???
These clips cut out end abruptly at 60 seconds. It is not your device! ? For best viewing after you hit play hit the two dots with lines at the bottom to select 1080p and then the full screen square! Sound on of course… ??
FYI – Many of you may have noticed recently that we’re seeing quite a few more “stocked fish” in the Pere Marquette than just the usual few strays or fish below Custer that are headed to the Big South… Long story short, “from what I understand”, there was a screw up not all that long ago wherein a stocking of Steelhead went into the PM that was supposed to go somewhere else and “I believe” this is the first big return year on those. In other words, we’ve got some extras so don’t be surprised by those clipped fish… ?♂️??
In other news, I am feeling great and am up and running full speed now if you’d like to get out and take advantage of this early season action! This weekend looks good as does most of next week. (It’s really not “bad” at all going forward.) Give us a shout and let’s get on the water! I’m personally open the rest of February except for the 23rd, 24th & 25th then I have March 1, 2, 3, 5 & 12 open as well as April 9, 21, 23… We’ve got opening with our other guides scattered around the season also so just give a call to check on dates or to book guide(s) or Motel rooms. (231) 745-3529
That’s all I’ve got time for right now, but I’ll try and post again soon!
Let’s Gooooo! -Steve-

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Nice job