June 17, 2024 Report below…
Hey guys, long time no type! 😲 Sorry about that, it seems that life has been a bit of a whirlwind this summer thus far and much of it has not revolved around fishing. Sad part is, I actually haven’t been fishing on the PM myself since before leaving on vacation at the end of May but, I’m fixing that today!

All of the pics in this report are just a few smaller ones and some stuff from May that I don’t think I published on social media already before vacation. Had a great time in the outer banks with my wife and friends, but unfortunately picked up some sort of bug either on the way home or as soon as I got here and had to give up some work to another guide that I was scheduled for last week…

At any rate, I’m all better now and I spent a few hours working in the shop on Saturday then the entire day yesterday. Big takeaway, I answered a lot of phone calls from folks (Some of whom reminded me that my personal last report was a while back… 🙄) about current conditions, hatches, etc. and a I do have recent reports from trusted friends and colleges who’ve been out quite a bit.
(Side note: We are still looking for shop employees!!! If you, or someone you know, is interested in joining the team…give us a call 231-745-3529!!!)

#1 question, yes, we do have Hexes popping on the river and have had for a little bit. From the sounds of it there’s a been a couple of epic nights already in the right locations, a few that were a bust and some that were pretty good but short lived. In other words, normal. How long it will last is anyone’s guess. Normally it’s right into the first part of July, but with the extremely warm weather on the way that could speed things up a bit.
Speaking of warm weather, please keep an eye on the water as well… Right now, as I type, it’s running at 62.8 degrees at M37, 64.4 at Bowman’s and 65.1 at Mapleleaf but it’s early in the day and early in the week… The “general rule of thumb” is to avoid fishing at or above 68 degrees if you plan to release your catch to avoid over stressing. Water temps do fluctuate day/night and you can monitor the changes at the links in this paragraph, but a personal thermometer as a double check in the actual area you are fishing is highly recommended.
Current conditions are basically low and clear. You can reference our hatch chart here for more ideas but these few I’ve had some word on besides the obvious hex and various waking flies at night. Drakes are still around and working, a wide variety of caddis can be effective, giant & medium brown stones, Isonychias and just about any kind of terrestrial or attractor type pattern you can think of.

Adjust your streamers and tippets to the situation as always (I love streamers just about any time!) and play around with various sizes and colors. Also had a few anglers in yesterday picking up some hare’s ears, small stonefly nymphs and soft hackles they were doing well dead drifting and swinging subsurface but even though I know the bulk of a trout’s diet is just that for the most part I personally have a hard time getting away from streamers or a dry fly if there’s a chance for that kind of take…
I have yet to really build back my trout fishing client base from those many years of missing it while in Alaska, so I’ve got plenty of great openings yet if you’re interested in getting out and I see some nice openings in the calendar for John and John as well! Give the shop a shout to check on or book guide trips/motel rooms at (231) 745-3529 8am to 6pm daily.
Below is a short video of Kam on another kind of release!
Not much more to add at the moment other than the shop is loaded up with what you need or just want and we most certainly appreciate any business you can swing our way! Till next time (Won’t be as long this time!) be well, be safe and just have fun out there…
Here is some footage and clips from our May 22nd Clear and Safe Passage cut. Members of the USFS, PMWC, PMTU, MDNR, TU, MRGA, BCR & CRA were all involved as well as three volunteer guides from BBT & Walt Grau.
…who is going to cover for you since you are gone so often?
Not sure I understand the question, but we are always covered when we’re gone by our awesome staff!