May 20, 2020

Well, in yesterday’s second report I said “more tomorrow” so here it is... I was going to take a few more photos, but it basically looks like it did in the last ones I posted in the BBT site report yesterday right now only...

May 19, 2020

The river has surpassed the peak of this past May 1st at the M-37 gauge and is showing no signs of “flattening the curve” anytime soon. I’m going to go check on my friend Joe’s place on the Little South at some point this...

May 13, 2020

Just a quick update...The shop will be re-opening Friday (May 15) for curb side service and mail orders until further notice...Shop hours will be 9am - 5pm.  Our Motel will start taking reservations as well.  We are patiently waiting to fully open our doors,...

May 6th, 2020

Well, we are excited to be at least partially back in business with our guide services going active tomorrow, but as far as we can tell, it will still be the 15th at this point before we go full storefront. For the time being...

May 5, 2020

It has been WAY TOO LONG!!!  First and foremost, I hope everyone is safe and healthy?  And if not, we wish you/them a speedy recovery.   We are all doing fine here in Baldwin...our families and staff are safe and well.  As well as...