September 4, 2023
Somebody, please send us some rain! Seriously, 31+ years of running this river on the regular now and it's as low as I've ever seen it, but the Salmon are determined and are finding their way home in short burst and waves regardless... (Rain...
August 7, 2023
Hey guys, figured it was time for me to post something to let those of you that do not follow us (or me) on social media know that we are still around and open for business! 8am to 6pm daily, guides and motel rooms...
July 5, 2023 Water temp warning…
Hey guys, just a quick heads up on our current Pere Marquette River water temperatures if you plan to catch and release! Both John K and I cancelled/rescheduled our trips for this afternoon earlier today as the water temperatures are exceeding 68 degrees for...
July 3, 2023
Tomorrow not only marks our country’s 247th year of independence, but it also marks our 27th year in business here at BBT!
We opened our doors on July 4th, 1996 and only remain open because of all of you… Thank you so much and a...
June 23, 2023
Hey guys, this one is going to be a bit of a cop out for me as I am very short on time (Appointment this afternoon) but wanted to get something up before the weekend...
In all honesty it would have been a boring one...
May 30, 2023
Well, once again, you'll have to forgive me as I've let social media take place of writing here for the most part for a while, but I do have a some things to share here that haven't already been seen there. 🤪
For those of...
May 3, 2023
REMINDER! PLEASE JOIN US THIS SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 at 9am for BBT’s 26th annual spring river cleanup!!
We will meet at the shop, hand out garbage bags and pick beats to cover as much river as we can. As always, we will provide free...
April 24, 2023
Well... I'm just gonna start off with WOW, what a great season! Lots of great clients, lots of great group trips and a whole lotta fun... I had a couple of unplanned days off due to cancellations as did some others, but for the...
March 18, 2023
I haven't been upriver since my last report so I’m going to rely on John’s last report for details on flies, etc.… I’ve been running a little further downstream with floats & beads doing well most days. 10-12mm in the various forms of green...
March 9, 2023
Sorry, it's been a minute since my last report... Staying pretty busy, but I do still have a few prime dates available as do our other guides. My personal openings are currently March 12, 27 & 31 as well as April 9th. Call to...