Steve Fraley's Reports

Pere Marquette River fishing reports for trout, salmon, and steelhead from Baldwin Bait & Tackle.

April 16, 2021

Well, it appears as though I’ve totally spaced out on the website reporting outside of a few social media post here and there. I’m on the river with clients right now so I’ll just make it short... We are still finding some Steelhead to play...

March 23, 2019

Hi guys, Sorry I didn't get another post up before the weekend, but both Johns did I believe and it is nice to spread them out at least a little bit! Soon enough, we will be adding yet another report page from Donnie Richards who...

September 21, 2019

Hey guys, Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said, but I did promise a full report today so I’ll reiterate! ? The river is currently in great shape with fish throughout the system in every stage of the run from brand new to...

September 28, 2020

Well... The fish showed up! (Pretty much the same day I posted my last report in the am.) This year is apparently very much like one we had about ten years ago and they simply showed up late. If you were here early and...

April 24, 2024

Hey guys, just thought I'd toss up a quick report before the big opener weekend. Right now, it looks as though it may be a bit of a wet one, but warm for most of it and that's not a bad thing at all...

May 20, 2020

Well, in yesterday’s second report I said “more tomorrow” so here it is... I was going to take a few more photos, but it basically looks like it did in the last ones I posted in the BBT site report yesterday right now only...

November 13, 2018

Hey guys, seems like John and I both keep slacking a little then suddenly decide to post very close to one another, but I'm good with that for now as I will, once again, refer you to his report for more detail! (Trying to...

September 22, 2021

Well… I had a very nice person who was headed out with another guide this morning at the launch site take the time to thank me for all the reports over the years and it suddenly occurred to me… I’m not in Alaska any...

February 13, 2023

Well, it's official, I'm soooooo far past due on an actual river report that I've resorted to stealing my eye candy from Donnie, Kam, Jake and Jad. (All the fish photos herein.) Outside of about one good week I had there I've been more...

August 7, 2023

Hey guys, figured it was time for me to post something to let those of you that do not follow us (or me) on social media know that we are still around and open for business! 8am to 6pm daily, guides and motel rooms...