March 18, 2023

I haven't been upriver since my last report so I’m going to rely on John’s last report for details on flies, etc.… I’ve been running a little further downstream with floats & beads doing well most days. 10-12mm in the various forms of green...

March 13, 2023

Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily Here we go!!!  The spring season is taking shape.  Lots of our fall and winter fish have spawned and dropped back, but new fish are cycling into the system.  The entire river system is fishing good.  There are...

March 9, 2023

Sorry, it's been a minute since my last report... Staying pretty busy, but I do still have a few prime dates available as do our other guides. My personal openings are currently March 12, 27 & 31 as well as April 9th. Call to...

March 4, 2023

Shop Hours are 7am to 6pm Daily The spring steelhead season is off to a strong start!  The shop is loaded up with inventory (except fly tying material...coming soon).  All our off season down time is in the rear-view and we are ready!  We are...

March 1, 2023

BBT WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW 03/02/2023! Sorry for the last minute announcement and any inconvenience, but the shop will be closed and all guides/staff will be unavailable for a brat eating, fish catching, team building exercise!! (It was the only day we all had open...