Howdy Ya’ll,

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who’s been wishing me a happy birthday today via text, e-mail, messenger and social media. It’s been a great one so far, albeit a little cold, spending it with my great friend and longest running client Paul. This coming spring makes 30 years in a row for us and yea, now I feel a little old… ;^)
Secondly, my apologies as usual for the lapse in reports. I’ve actually spent more time off the water than I have on it since that last one with some appointments, some hunting and some projects, etc, but those days that I have spent on the water have been fairly productive for the most part.
I’ve been doing more “pitching” than just about anything else here lately tossing and retrieving crank baits like Hot-n-tots, wiggle warts, etc and it has accounted for the vast majority of our fish. Longer spinning rods with floats/beads has accounted for a few fish, but not nearly as many as last year for me and egg flies on switch rod/floating line/indicator rigs is coming in a close third to that. I’ve not done any swinging myself, but our man Donnie has been getting a few that way as are a few other guides I know.
Spent a few days with Dennis not long after that last post and as usual, as you can plainly see, he did not disappoint! Many of you may have seen a couple of these fish in feeds already, but there’s “a few” more here I didn’t post as well.
Took a full week off the water (For fishing purposes anyway.) then Bill and I got out for a day of “bitter sweet” fun this past Thursday! The bitter part was the wind chill factor with frozen guides and fingers, but the fish didn’t seem to mind and the action was sweet!
Friday and Saturday were spent on a four-boat group trip and lots of fish were played with. Many more avoided the photo than those that were willing to let us take one, but a good time was had by all and we put our share to the net as well! I spent my first day ever with Bill and Mike on day one then had long time friends and clients Kevin and Steve on the next…
Got out yesterday for my first real day of “fun fishing” (non-guiding day, every day is fun! ;^) with Kam and his buddy Matt. Started off a little slower than it has been for us, but we made up for it in the middle and watched others have luck as well.
This morning started out kinda cold and slow for Paul and I, but once the sun came out and warmed the water temp up a degree or two we started to see some action.

in short, for the birthday float, we had a great time! Moved a bunch that wouldn’t commit, caught a couple of pike, lost some Steelhead, lost a really nice Coho then finally got my Birthday Steelhead to hand in a slight overtime just before the takeout!! ???????

In closing, if you haven’t read John’s last report, please do so! John included links and some info on proposed regulation changes etc., and if you care about the subject, you should let your voice and opinion be known regardless of what it is…
Here’s to hoping that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving among family and/or friends! Till next time, be safe, be well and be happy!