September 23, 2021

New shop hours are 7am - 7pm Friday & Saturday and 8am - 6pm Monday - Thursday...sorry, but we are short handed!  We have an On-Line shop for off hours purchases or curbside pick-ups.  Give us a call or shop anytime on-line at BBT On-Line. "When...

September 22, 2021

Well… I had a very nice person who was headed out with another guide this morning at the launch site take the time to thank me for all the reports over the years and it suddenly occurred to me… I’m not in Alaska any...

September 15, 2021

Shop Hours 8am – 6pm everyday or Shop On-Line anytime at BBT On-Line Store We are working on extending our hours at the shop...stay tuned!  The shop is loaded up with inventory and more arriving daily, but the supply chain is still limited on some items....

September 12, 2021

Hey guys, crazy week... I promised I'd post tonight so I'm gonna, but it's been a little hectic around here to say the least! Not long after posting my report from the river on the 7th that storm hit Dennis and I on the...

September 7, 2021

Got home from AK on Sunday and discovered there was a minor (Read here major. ;^) screw up with my bookings and it turns out I did not have the same guy for five days starting on Monday. (Kind of a relief actually not...