Have you, or anyone you know, been contemplating a new rod, reel, waders, fly line, jacket, etc. or do you even just purchase some flies, lures, terminal tackle or tippet throughout the year? Why not do it on a discount!?!?

As is our tradition we are still offering our “Holiday Special” of 20% Off Gift Certificates from Thanksgiving until December 24th, 2020. (These certificates are redeemable for shop merchandise and lodging, but not applicable for guide trips or already on sale items.) This is our way of saying thank you and, hopefully making it a bit easier for you to spend with us rather than a big box store or on-line for items we carry or can order for you.
Chris caught this nice rainbow and tangled with some Steelhead on this fine day…

We do phone orders and these certificates along with any other merchandise can be mailed directly to your home, business or elsewhere! Shop hours are 9am to 5pm daily and our phone number is: (231) 745-3529 (Please call back or leave a message if we are unable to answer. With only one employee in the shop at a time now it can be difficult to always answer immediately.)

I’ve spent far more time on the water or in the woods hunting than I have fishing since that last report so long ago, but luckily John has been keeping after it and you can find his latest very detailed report at this link here!
Jonesy with a nice brown trout just before the snow kicked in! He wasn’t the only one to have some Steelhead kick his butt that day, (3 or 4 if I recall? ;^) I lost a hot one too! 
Craig kept telling us it was “65 and sunny” in the back of the boat that day! :^)
Sure made for some beautiful photos!
Here’s one that Jeff (Jonesy) took that day, added this verse to and had framed for the wall at home for he and Deb. Love it buddy…

I don’t think I’ve run a trip yet since that last report where we didn’t at least tangle with a few or more Steelhead, but the landing ratio on those few trips I’ve done was not all that great as the fish were either too hot to handle or in tight places… (OK, there might have been a few learning and hookset issues as well, but mostly hot fish in tight places. ;^)

One that didn’t get away on a really fun day with Steve and Eric! Great having you guys…
A day maker all on it’s own!

Below here is more about hunting than fishing, but I also have some used guide equipment listed for sale at the end and I have “linked” the harvested deer photos rather than post them directly here for those that don’t hunt or are squeamish about it…

An old tradition revived! Saw and kicked around lots of deer on my birthday float hunt/drive, but no clean shots on anything legal… Big fun regardless! Thanks guys, looking forward to next year…
One week later is was Adam’s birthday so we pulled a repeat float for a “new” tradition. Saw lots again only this time my cousin Tom managed to get a clean shot on a nice freezer filler doe…

A beautiful piebald spike we saw several times down in OH hunting with Shag…
Another one I passed on stand down at Shag’s TBN Outfitters. (Sorry for the blurry photos, full camera zoom and crop…)
Took this one on a dead run in an opening of thick cover during a drive…
He has already graced one table as a nourishing meal for Kam and I with many more to come and he lived a better life than any caged animal ever will IMHO…
The difference between this buck (And the musical celebration that evening afterward! ;^) and mine was which side of the draw he popped out on during a drive! I watched Mike harvest this fine animal thru the woods in the next field over from where I stood when it ran out of the draw being driven between us. Great shooting Mike and congrats again!!

I recently purchased some new Sage X rods and Spectrum/Spectrum Max reels to upgrade the equipment I guide with and provide you with the best in the business while out on the river with me. That being said, were I independently wealthy I would probably keep all my used stuff that has served me so well and I love so much, but I’m not so I have some used guide equipment to sell now…

These items will be first come first serve and I will either delete them from here or mark as sold once gone. Cash or check only as I am old school and do not have a cash app… You can contact me via text or voicemail (I do not currently answer unknown numbers right away, but do check voicemail) at two31 two33-four533.

First up, I have 2 outfits to be sold (Edit, 8:18pm, both of these outfits have now been sold, the TFO reels below are still available and more is yet to come.) as a complete outfit. Each outfit functions like new only both are well used. (I cannot count the fish they are responsible for!) They are 11’ 7wt Sage Z Axis Switch Rods w/Sage 3400D Reels w/backing and fly line as shown. (Tubes and socks for rods and original boxes for reels as well) Asking $700 on each outfit; total retail value of these new would have been $1300 – $1400 while in production. 

The new corks to the left are the 11’ 7wt Sage X Switch Rods w/Sage Spectrum Max 9/10 Reels I’ve replaced them with. (Book a trip and try ‘em out!) The two on the right are for sale…
The 2 near outfits are for sale, the two beyond are the replacements…

Next up, I still have 2 TFO Atoll II Reels and one Atoll II Spool that are in excellent condition. All spools have backing and the spare has a running line as well. (Spare spool is currently set up for a lefty.) $200 each on the reels, $75 for the spare spool or $450 takes all if still available.

While these reels are listed as a 9 – 11 wt I actually used them on 7, 8 & 9 wt rods for a nice balanced Steelhead/Salmon outfit.

That’s about all I’ve got for you right now. l’ll be on the river guiding on Friday and Saturday as well as fun fishing tomorrow most likely (Unless it books!) so I should have more to report soon, but look to our/my social media page(s) for more frequent stuff in the meantime. Merry Christmas from me and the entire BBT Family!

Be well, stay safe and stay positive – Steve

PS. Look below Santa for a music video a friend shared on Facebook. You’re welcome!

Check out this tribute to The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band by Bonn E. Maiy right here!