Shop hours are 7am to 7pm everyday!!!
Things have been very busy around here both on and off the river. We have been training new employees, checking in inventory and guiding/scouting for kings. The last couple days have been a relief seeing, hooking and catching some new fish in the lower river. The last two days we have seen the biggest pushes of kings coming up stream and they were very, very angry!!! The big run of kings is later then normal????

We are stocked up with inventory at the shop, but we still can not get many items due to Covid supply issues…sorry!!! We have tons of flies, lines, fly rods, fly reels, and waders, however, spinning reels and lures are very limited…sorry! Plus, we are training several new employees, so please introduce yourself and be patient with them during the busy season. We are very fortunate to have assembled such a great staff!!!!

My next available opening for a guide trip is October 13 – 16, but the Motel has some great open dates. Please give us a call for Lodging or guide trips; if we are not available, we have a great referral list! Things are off to a slower start, but they are on their way home!

There have been some (a few) awesome reports from the middle and upper river with pools FULL of fish, but “here today and gone tomorrow” is a common theme. It has been a chess match in those sections each day; and the lower river has been a consistent grind for a couple (+) fish in the boat. Things are about to change…and we should all be happy with fish!!!

We love the lower river, until the biomass of fish have cruised passed us down low. Thundersticks, spinners and skein have been the best offering in the lower stretches…but flies in a couple places work well. Please treat your fellow fisherman, as you would treat yourself…ask before you cast is the best policy!!! Lets all have fun and enjoy it together!!!
FYI…Rainbow Rapids access Site will be closed September 11 and 14 – 16 for Maintence.
Here we go…”ask be fore you cast” and have fun!!!
John Karakashian