Pere Marquette steelhead fishing has been up and down since my last report. The bite has been directly correlated to the weather and water temps. The water temps have been bouncing around the mid-30’s to low-40’s. The river is currently in good shape with a great water level/flow. The challenge of steelhead fishing is real; but the reward is addictive!!!

We have adjusted our shop hours to 8 am – 5 pm Sunday thru Thursday and 7 am – 5 pm Friday & Saturday. Plus, we are happy to announce our holiday gift certificate deal is back starting December 1 – December 24. 20% off Gift Certificates!!!! These gift certificates are good at face value for any and all shop merchandise or lodging, but not guide trips or discounted items. Call the shop to have one mailed to your door! 231-745-3529.
The egg bite is still strong, but nymphs and streamers are getting bit. Clowns in a variety of colors and sizes (depending on water clarity), OC nukes, chartreuse nukes and pale estaz eggs in #8’s & #10’s. Hexes, damsels, stones and sparrows have been getting some attention over the last couple weeks. Swinging egg-headed flashy streamers in this colder water will snap them out of their trance somedays. Plus, tossing spinning gear is a blast too! With so many options, try/do what you like and have fun doing it! Just another friendly reminder…BEADS ARE NOT LEGAL IN THE FLY WATER!!!

Look for warming trends throughout the next month to plan your fishing trips. We have guides available for full or half day trips. We will continue to keep you posted on the conditions and fish pics as this is our (the guides) time to fish. Give us a call to wet a line on the Pere Marquette River and try your hand at catching a wild Steelhead. We would be happy to teach you a couple new tricks with the fly rod, explain our rigging strategies and/or just row you down the beautiful “Wild & Scenic” Pere Marquette River.

Remember, good presentation catches the most fish!!! Presentation is not only your drift; it is how you enter the river, where you stand, size of tippet, size of hooks…etc., etc. Think about what your doing and don’t be surprised if the bite is soft. Cover water slowly and throughly when the water temps are cold. The old saying is true – ”There is no such thing as bad weather; just bad gear”. Be safe and exercise caution at the boat launches…be prepared, because there are not many people around at this time of year.

There are good numbers of steelhead throughout the Pere Marquette river system and our steelhead count is looking solid for the winter. The fish have been bigger and meaner then most years…I know that is hard to imagine; but true! We have an amazing resource and need to protect it for future generations. Please catch and release our wild steelhead!
Later & Fish-On!