We are hosting our spring river Clean-up this Saturday…April 20, 2019. 9am at the shop and 6pm at the pole barn for dinner…we will cover your car spot fees, dinner is on us, beer is flowing and river karma is available….please help us keep this amazing resource wild and scenic! I have been effected by the river many times, but last week struck home when my 5 year old daughter caught her first wild steelhead!!!

The river is in great shape right now. The water level is perfect (and rising) and the water clarity is perfect! The salmon fry are popping every where and steelhead are spawning here and there. Try egg patterns and swinging fry patterns. It has been a very fun spring season thus far. The best part of the year is about to happen….stripping streamers!!!
We are past the peak of the spring steelhead season, but fishing has been great! I had a good week of fishing! A few had better and many had worse…find the hot/active beds or pockets and your day is made. I saw a few balls of fish in pockets late last week as the water was dropping. The fish are spawning now, so keep working the gravel & the pockets and runs. The dark water, pools and runs have produced chrome fish and drop-backs! There are a couple “Hot Spots” on the river that have been productive on the right day. However, don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Swing for the fences and you might strike out! Go fishing and enjoy the day!
Clown eggs, cream delight glow bugs, Jay’s wiggler, salmon Fry and sparrow nymphs! I have hooked fish on other patterns, but eggs and fry/hex/sparrow type flies have been getting most of my attention. It has been awesome to see everyone around the shop, Motel and on the river. Good to be out and thanks again for all the support!
Trout season is in my near future! I have been spotting many new pets each day and looking forward to the trout season. Thanks for the support, guidance and advice! I have one more week of fishing on the books and then trout will prevail!
We have guides and Motel rooms available most days, so please give us a call to inquire…231-745-3529. The shop is full of gear, toys and fly tying materials. Please swing by to check it out or just to say hi. Good luck and see you on the river! I am extremely thankful to be out there so much…thank you for putting me to work and supporting our business!!!

Please join us for the river clean-up and see you soon!