Current shop hours – 9am to 5pm everyday, but closed on Tuesdays…please feel free to contact the shop for current conditions! 231-745-3529
PM Steelhead Report
Not much fishing going on right now. It is bitterly cold with no break in the weather for the next 10 days. Time to tie, read some trout fishing books and dream of better days on the river. There are fish around, but the river conditions have been slushy and icy. I have not had a chance to get out there since I have been home, but spring will be here before we know it & I have a lot to get done before then. If you go, exercise caution when wading and launching your boats. The access sites and back roads are icy. Just be safe and smart about your game plan.
Spring is not too far off, so please contact the shop to lock in your Guide dates and Motel reservations…231-745-3529.
Argentina 2019
We just returned from our annual trout fishing trip to Patagonia, Argentina! It was amazing!!! I have been home for 5 days thinking about the trip, the memories, the fish, the food, the scenery, our hosts and our guests. I have not been able to put the proper words together to describe our adventures; nor will I ever. It truly is a magical place!!!!
We did two weeks this year with two groups of guests joining us. The first week Scott, Charlie, Jeff, Ray, Craig and Steve T joined Steve and myself for two expeditions. Our first two days were on the Rio Chimehuin (over night camping), then three days on the Rio Limay (2 nights camping) and then finished on the Rio Manso & Rio Limay. The weather started off unseasonably cool, but improved after a couple days. The streamer game was solid for everyone. I wish I had everyone’s photos, but only have a few (& I know Steve has a bunch of photos too; therefore, sorry for all the pictures of myself).
Camping along the river is a real treat…delicious meals cooked over an open fire, snacks & cocktails while replaying the days events. This is pampered camping…the crew sets everything up while we are fishing and has every comfort desired. Everyone thoroughly enjoys the camping experience while on this trip.
The second week Joe, Bill, John & Pam joined Steve and myself for a different adventure. We started off on the Rio Collon Cura for a three day/ two night float. This was new water to us and the group loved it! Lots of fish; both browns and rainbows. Dry flies were a great option with the willow worm hatch, caddis and many different mayflies popping in the mornings and evenings. The streamer bite was excellent though and consistently produced quality fish. Then we stayed three nights on the banks of the Rio Limay at one of our favorite hostaria’s while fishing the Rio Limay. The Limay is not an easy river to fish, but the rewards are unbelievable. Browns and rainbows from 15 to 22 inches are very common, but you have a shot at 30 + inchers almost daily! You earn your fish on the Limay with fly placement!
I am very thankful to have the opportunity of spending two more weeks of my life in Patagonia trout fishing! It was a pleasure spending a week of our lives together in a beautiful place making memories, laughing about years past and looking forward to future outings together. I will be watching the calendar closely waiting for next year! And an even bigger “GRACIAS” to Pedro at Fly Maniacs for coordinating a flawless couple weeks for the groups. And of course, our guides for the week…Pedro, Fernando, Julio and Guillermo. Thanks for putting us on the fish, trading knowledge and putting up with us! I am already reloading my fly box for next year!!! Keep in touch amigos!
Here is the best way I can describe our trip…a few pictures and these do not even do the experience justice…enjoy!


Next years dates are set…
Argentina 2020
The dates are January 4 – 11, 2020 & January 11 – 18, 2020…we are taking deposits ($1,000) now to hold your spot. The package price per person based on double occupancy is US $3,950.00 and includes:
- Six full days guided fishing (with expert, local bilingual (Spanish-English) fly-fishing guide)
- All your lodging, meals and beverages (including beer & wine with meals).
- Transportation to and from the Airport in Bariloche
…contact the shop to reserve your spot! 231-745-3529.
One last item..we purchased another Pere Marquette River guide business some time back and are now accepting applications for a full time guide position here at BBT. Applicants must have own boat, equipment (Lots of pro staff deals available) and insurance; we provide the proper use permits and bookings!
This offer goes out to any and all established guides in the area as well as any motivated up and coming new blood. For now, to apply, either drop off a resume to the shop during regular business hours or email your resume to: [email protected] with “Guide Position” in the subject line. Steve and I will be in touch.
Thanks & Fish-On!