Steve Fraley

Steve Fraley
Steve Fraley has been guiding the Pere Marquette since spring of 1992 and guiding full time both in Alaska and here since 1994. You can follow Steve's personal Facebook and Instagram accounts by clicking the small icons below... Read Steve's full bio.

January 22, 2025

Hey guys, long time… I haven’t posted a whole lot here lately as almost all of my time has been spent unapologetically hibernating at home with my wife and pups while enjoying a "full reset" of sorts before tackling what is sure to be...

December 4, 2024

Hey guys, I've been out a few times and caught a few fish since that last report, but mostly I've been busy with all sorts of other projects so I'm not super up to date on current conditions. I've got a half day trip on...

November 18, 2024

New Shop Hours! 9am to 5pm daily. (231) 745-3529 for reservations. Hey guys, once again my apologies for the delay in reporting here. (The same applies about my social media accounts as last time. They stay quite a bit more up-to-date if interested.) I've had...

October 31, 2024

Hey guys, just realized it's been a minute since I've posted on here yet again. If you follow my Instagram or Facebook pages and/or the shops Facebook and Instagram pages then you have likely seen much but probably not all of this and if...

October 16, 2024

New Shop Hours Are 8am to 6pm Daily! First and foremost, I want to remind everyone that we will be hosting our annual Fall River Clean-Up this Saturday, October 19th! We will meet at the shop at 8am to figure our float/boat or walk in assignments...

October 2, 2024

Hey guys, it's well past "my turn" again on this whole reporting thing, but once again, I'm pretty sure John covered most of it all in his report here... We've been having a pretty darn good season overall if you knew what part(s) of the...

September 20, 2024

Edit: I actually wrote this "report" while on the river this morning and planned to post if from there. My signal and some fish had different ideas... I was going to write a big report with lots of details and what not, but it turns...

September 6, 2024

Hey guys, just realized it's been a minute again... Hopefully you've been able to follow me on my Facebook or Instagram accounts where you'll find more frequent little updates, but otherwise you'll always find it here eventually. (With all of the recent scams and...

August 22, 2024

Hey guys, it's game time! (Sorta...🙄) We just got back from Alaska on Sunday afternoon and found out that the guys at the shop have been inundated with calls already about Salmon, and even Salmon in the fly water spawning, among other things. (The...

August 7, 2024

Well, I figured it's about time I post something since we really haven't updated in quite a while... As I've explained before, this is usually because there's just not much new to report and/or nothing much has changed. In some new and positive news, we...