I have been fishing my whole life and began fly fishing the rivers of Michigan in the early 1990’s. At that time, I was in college at Western Michigan University and made frequent visits to Michigan’s northwest rivers in search of Steelhead, Salmon and Trout. Over those years, my addiction took root and I began logging more and more days on the rivers.
As a result, in 2002, I began guiding on the Pere Marquette & Muskegon rivers and quickly learned that guiding is extremely enjoyable and gratifying. In 2004, I was asked to join the Guide Staff at BBT. And in 2006, I left “Corporate America”, moved to Baldwin to guide full time and became a co-owner of BBT. I am a lucky man to make a living doing what I love and have family/friends support my dream! Some of my fondest memories have been on the river and I look forward to all the good times yet to come. My fly fishing addiction has taken me around the world (countless trips to Alaska and Argentina, the Florida Keyes, Belize, Canada, Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming…plus, many more places on the list).
In my opinion, northwest Michigan (specifically, the Pere Marquette River) holds some of the best year round fly fishing opportunities in the country (migratory wild Steelhead and Salmon, year-round trout fishing and some world-renowned hatches). I love working spey/switch rods for steelhead, stripping streamers for trout, dredging deep pools for aggressive kings and most of all dry fly fishing. I like instructing clients on their techniques, as well as learning new tricks from them. The most rewarding aspects of guiding for me is slipping the net under someone’s first species (or the fish of a lifetime) and taking in that contagious enthusiasm. I also spend countless hours tying flies for every situation I might face on the rivers.
My family and I live on the Baldwin River (A tributary of the Pere Marquette and the first river in America to receive a brown trout planting – April 11, 1884). My wife (Heather) and daughter (Alex) are my foundation and support. They are the unsung heroes behind the scenes that keep things flowing smoothly.
That is enough about me…let’s go fishing!!! Please join me for a day on the river and see for yourself how exciting, yet relaxing, the experience can be.
Later & Fish-On!
John Karakashian