Shop Hours 8am – 6pm Daily

“March Madness” is upon us!!!  The river has been fishing well most days, but depending on the section and water conditions there have been some slower days reported.  Water temps have been playing a big role in success.  Right place at the right time with proper presentation and you will find some players.  Pools, runs and pocket water has been producing depending on water clarity and time of day.  For big fish, our wild steelhead, act like little fish once they are back in the river.  They are very good at “dissolving” into structure, under-cut banks and other hiding places.

Peter worked hard on a tough day for a couple quality fish

Last weeks conditions gained momentum as the weather started warming up.  The water temps rose and the river held onto just enough color for good fishing.  We got a small system that rolled in Friday evening and bumped the water level again.  Currently, the river is in great shape still above “normal” levels and holding a nice stain in the upper and middle river.  As the weather warms, fishing pressure will continue to increase.  Please resect other anglers and their water…ask before you cast; if you think your too close.

Norm and Eric experienced a couple EPIC days!!!  Charlie and Mikey were with Johnny Robinson and we fished a lot of spots together…Great hanging out with the whole group for two days…this one goes down in the books for sure!  Great crew and tons of fun!!!

Mikey jumping in on a couple solid “doubles”

Last week we started getting fish on nymphs, fry and eggs.  Don’t be afraid to try different patterns or your own “home-brew” patterns…they are opportunistic feeders!  Fry patterns and cross-dressers are starting to become a staple for me.  Small black stones have been hatching with the nicer weather.  Pheasant tails, caddis, hexes and sparrows are great flies in the spring too.  It’s kind of been the same story with eggs…pale oranges, pinks and creamy clowns have been very good, but chartreuse & OC are getting some attention too.  Nukes, glo-bugs, estaz eggs and rag style clowns are all effective and proven patterns.  Same theme with beads…soft oranges & light pink 8mm to 12mm have helped drain some bobbers (No beads in the “Fly Water”).  Gauge your fly or bead size accordingly with water levels/clearity…low water = natural sizes and tones…higher water = bigger/brighter offerings.  

Double dipper on solid browns was great bonus!!!

First steelhead “double dipper” of the season for me too…love it!!!
A couple very special father/son moments over the two days!

My guide schedule is pretty booked up in March, but I do have some good dates still available in April…4/15 – 18, 20 – 24.  We do have a couple guides available in late March and early April.  Plus, we still have some opening at the Motel if you are looking for lodging…Call the shop to lock in a guide trip(s) and/or Lodging…231-745-3529.

Peter and I did a quick late trip and enjoyed a beautiful day on the river!

The shop is loaded up on steelhead fishing gear.  We have everything for your fishing needs….flies, tying materials, bait, hardware, fly rods/reels, beads, bobbers, centerpins, bait casters, spinning gear, waders, outerwear, swag….we got what you need no matter how you want to fish.

We experienced a big swing in weather from late last week to the start of this week!  Friday was 70 degrees and green grass was starting to sprout on the banks of the river.  Then Saturday, we had strong winds all day and scary gusts taking down trees.  Then Sunday, the high temperature was 38 degrees at 8am and dropped ALL day with rain, sleet and snow with a driving wind all day.  Very tough conditions, but the fishing was fantastic!  We finished the day with about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground and in the boat…classis Michigan spring!  I think we are back into a more stable weather pattern…hopefully!

Classic Michigan Steelheading…”the worse the weather; the better they bite!”

Just a friendly reminder…beads are NOT legal in the “Flies-Only” section (even if pegged above a fly).  Plus, it’s a 1 fish (Steelhead) limit from Gleason’s Landing to Lake Michigan year round…1 fish per person per day.

Another amazing week in the books chasing wild steelhead on the Pere Marquette River!!!  I am ready and excited to make some great new memories & stories this week!  Good luck out there and have fun!!!


We are looking for a few more guests to fill up our trip….Our Alaskan dates & rates are set for this summer! Please feel free to join us on this fantastic adventure in an awe-inspiring place, Alaska’s Naknek River Camp, August 9th – 16th, 2025

The “BBT Special” will be $4,995.00* per person for a week of fishing in some of the greatest water in Alaska! This rate INCLUDES the “Best of Katmai” Package; two fly outs throughout the week! $4,995 is the standard 2023 weekly rate without fly-outs so this is an incredible BBT exclusive deal!!! (We can also offer a no fly-out package for $3,995.00*, but fly outs are strongly encouraged during these weeks.)

*Rate does not include fishing license, airfare, guide/staff tips or alcohol. We recommend $100.00 cash, per person per day as a good starting point for guide tips as these guys work hard for ya! Any camp/staff extras can be done however you wish just prior to departure and alcohol can be purchased in King Salmon upon your arrival or picked up for you anytime during the week while you’re out fishing!

Here are a few photos from last years trip!!!

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the shop at 231-745-3529 for more details on this amazing trip!!!!




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