Hey guys, it’s finally March! The days are getting longer, the weather is warming, Mink are running the banks, migratory birds are returning in numbers and some fresh chrome Steelhead are showing up in the mix along with our fall and winter holdovers. What’s not to love?!?! ❤️😎🎣

A little downriver fun with Dennis… 👍🎣👊

It was a little exciting and quite adventurous at a few of the ramps last week yet and I would remain wary of ice on a cold morning even now, but everything besides Scottville is usable as of this entry to my knowledge.  (Last I knew there was still a giant ice jam from the snowplow at the city ramp in Scottville, but it was Wednesday the last time I checked on that so it may be fixed by now. 🤷‍♂️) 

The river is in great shape as I type with a nice light tea stain and slight elevation thru out.  Water temperatures actually hit as high as 43.5° last week making for some happy fish, but it is back in the mid 30s now after this cool off the past couple of days, slowing things down at least a little I would imagine. 

We did see a few active redds in passing while fishing the mid-river but held off casting and left them to do their thing. (It was only a few of the usual winter and fall fish getting it done early as always, don’t get too excited if your preference is sight fishing just yet.) Dennis did catch a couple of hungry drop backs pitching hot-n-tots into dark water while on the go however… 👍 

Seems like we always find at least one hungry Pike while pitchin’! 😎

Beads under bobbers and pitching “tots” was the hot ticket for Dennis and I but anglers are also finding success swinging (Donnie’s client hit a few on the swing in the same section as us the other day and I think that’s been pretty consistent for him.) and drifting flies or bait. 

This hen and the next smaller buck both appeared to be drop backs in the mid-river…

I know stoneflies are pretty active as we actually saw a few of those hatching last week and it never hurts to toss a variety of nymphs when everyone else is showing them eggs. The orange and pink spectrum in 10s and 12s is where it was at for us on the beads (eggs) and silver with a chartreuse back was our hot hot-n-tot. (Also hit and/or moved a few on orange and gold.)

The shop is loaded up with inventory and even more is showing up daily! We do hope that you’ll maybe hold off on a few of those purchases until you get here helping to support us and ridding those shelves and displays of that pesky inventory! 🙄😎🤣 Not only do we have everything you’ll need or maybe even just want on the fly shop side of things, but don’t forget we’ve got you covered for all your spinning and float fishing options as well! (Versatility can be the key and we truly appreciate your support!)

I didn’t take lots of trout pics, but they were hungry as well…

As I’ve mentioned the last couple of seasons, I am personally only booking my repeat clients during the *peak seasons now so that, at least in theory, eventually I’ll have a few more days off of the river besides my usual Saturday’s and I can maybe spend a little more time in the shop. So far, those open days haven’t really numbered enough for that, but we have a fantastic crew manning the store and taking care of things anyway so I’m in no big hurry as I truly enjoy taking my old friends fishing too! (*peak season = March 1st – April 30th & September 1st – October 31st) 

That being said, if you are a repeat of mine and are interested, my open dates thru Mid April are currently: March 4, 5, 6 & 12 April 1, 2, 8, 10 & 13-15 (These dates are “as I type”. My dates and the ones below for our other guides can and do change rapidly this time of year.) 

This one and the next had big attitudes and will be forces to be reconned with in the coming years!

Between all of our other guides (John K, John R, Donnie & Kam) we have openings for anyone and everyone regardless of experience or skill level on: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 26 & 27 April 1, 3, 6-15 

There’s really a lot going on in this photo… 😎👊🤣👍

Most of those dates are just one guide that has an opening due to a cancellation or something, but a few have multiple guides if you’re looking for a group. Give the shop a call to check on or to book your motel & guide date(s) 231 745-3529 New shop hours are 8am to 6pm daily for now starting tomorrow March 3rd, 2025

I really don’t want to talk about how many of these fresh fish got the better of us, suffice it to say, they are on the way! 🙄🤣

On a personal note, I still haven’t kicked the nicotine entirely, (Occasional dip or zyn, I’ll try to kick those after the season.) but I’m 20 days smoke free right now and that’s saying something since literally everything I do is usually a trigger to light up and I do believe that I was single handedly keeping the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in business! 🤷‍♂️🤣 Those urges are still STRONG, but I’m tackling it one day & one hour at a time… 

It’s also been 21 days without a cocktail now and while that was not originally part of “the plan” I do know how hard it’ll be to enjoy a drink without that smoke right now so I’m just going to continue on with that for at least a while yet as well and call it an overall health tune-up! Something I really haven’t done since I gave up smoking for a few years (2009 -2012) got healthy and ran a couple of Marathons! 😎 (I know, I’m a dumb ass for not keeping it up then… 🙄🤷‍♂️) 

Speaking of healthy, I do love that it’s guide lunch time again! 😎

The urge to drink has actually been, believe it or not, nonexistent as I frequently go long spells without it in the winter with no problem anyway, but I’m sure it’ll be much tougher after a great day on the water back at the barn with friends, clients and colleagues… (I’m guessing I’ll have their full support in this renewed journey however! 😎👊)

Here’s a little clip I made for Instagram. Hit the full screen square at the bottom for best viewing and turn the volume up… 👍

Anyway…. The new “journey” is not something I really need to share quite so openly I guess, but honestly, I think it’ll actually help me to stay on track! 😉 That’s really all I have for you right now. I’m looking forward to more days on the water real soon and since I won’t be quite as busy partying after work, I’ll “probably” find that I have more time to post reports more frequently as an added bonus! 🙄😳😅

I had anglers Coleman and Forrest on Tuesday of last week on a TU/RGS donation trip. Unfortunately, I did not take any trout pics and the other Steelhead that were hooked got the better of us, but I did manage this one on my one demo cast of the day after having just lost two in one of our spots…
For those of you wondering, (I know there’s at least a few!) Bentley turns exactly 6 months old tomorrow and is currently 4lbs 10oz. 🐶

Please be safe out there, be well, above all have some fun and we do hope to see you all real soon around the shop, barn, motel or on the river! 


Ginger is a great “big sister”, and he keeps her young… 🥰

Look for these hashtags among others on social media for more of our content! #bbt #baldwinbaitandtackle #steelhead #trout #salmon #fishing #fishinglife 

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