Hey guys, long time again… Full disclosure, this image (The same one as the header.) is actually from a memory that popped up from a couple of years ago, but it was a cool fish that got me fired up! 🤣

The only fish I’ve actually landed since last report are these three below here and even those have already been shared on social media, but I figured it was time to post at least something here on the actual website again as we’re heading right into it now! 

Sorry if you’ve already seen these on social media….

I’ve got the annual membership meeting and dinner for the Michigan River Guide Association tomorrow, but then I’m guiding the next four days after that so I should have some up-to-date and relevant river information for you in the next report, likely early next week sometime. 

No, I haven’t done much more this winter than lay around, spoil my dogs and eat, drink and smoke too much getting plump and thoroughly out of shape. That’s all changed “a little” now already and is about to in a much bigger way as this season progresses…

Basically, I had a little conversation with my guardian angel a couple of weeks back when I realized how out of shape I’m getting the day after a guide trip. (None to hand that day for our boat.) In short, we decided I’ll just go ahead and make a few life changes (once again🙄🤷‍♂️) before I wind up “retiring” a little too early…

I have to thank Grok from xAI for the copyright/royalty free image! I asked him for a statue of my guardian angel looking a little disappointed in me then went with the first one offered shown here. 😎🤣

Some of those changes I hope and plan to make permanent, others are on a “we’ll see” basis, (at least a few months) and all are only accomplished by attacking them one day or even one hour at a time.

This is where I’m at on that, but we’re not completely “nicotine free” just yet… (Taste smell and breathing are all way better however!) Add one full day to that tally for my alcohol consumption.

This year marks my 33rd spring season as a guide here on the Pere Marquette River and I am seriously looking forward to a great and productive one this year! Certainly can’t say I’m not fully rested; the shop is full & filling in nicely with inventory and we still have guides (and motel rooms) open for some great dates. Give the shop a call to check on those or to book your day(s). 231 745-3529 9am to 5pm daily!

Gotta have a couple of gratuitous Bentley shots….

I’m gonna cut this off now and go hit that gym in the basement while I’m still feeling the motivation, but the next report will come soon and it’ll be more relevant as promised. Till then, be safe, be well, try not to let the little things bother you and have a great time if you get out!! 
