Hey guys, long time… I haven’t posted a whole lot here lately as almost all of my time has been spent unapologetically hibernating at home with my wife and pups while enjoying a “full reset” of sorts before tackling what is sure to be an epic, awesome and exciting spring, summer and fall of 2025 and beyond! 😎🎉

With the weather being what it’s been my time on the water has been very minimal compared to most winters, but I have had a few trips and they’ve been successful once we got out there. Plenty of fish are certainly in the river, but weather (and now water with the various forms of ice) certainly plays a big role.

My only hope is that my new little guy Bentley doesn’t suffer too much from separation anxiety as this weather changes and I spend more and more time away on the water because he is definitely being spoiled to death right now and doesn’t know a life without me just yet… 🙄🤷♂️🤣

Shop hours continue to be 9am to 5pm daily and besides being pretty well stocked for all of your winter Steelheading needs (Fly, bait, float, pin, spin, whatever! 👍👊) we’ve actually got an ice season this year if you’re into the hard water thing! 🎣

Try to stay warm if you get out there for now and if you see a break in the weather that looks good to you give us a shout and put me to work! All of our guides are pretty wide open for a bit now actually and group trips are fun too, but call to check on those spring dates soon if you want one and haven’t secured it yet…😉👍 (231) 745-3529
The video below shows that Bentley is not only spoiled but actually spoiled rotten! 🙄😂 (Hint, it fits better to your laptop screen for viewing if you hit the full screen button on the bottom.) He actually does go out there all on his own with no prompting and no heat, but it’s still pretty nice in there compared to the actual outdoors even then! 🥶
More later once time allows and events merit. Till then, I wish you all the best with a renewed sense of optimism in my heart, mind and soul for the future. Be safe, be well and tight lines…