New Shop Hours! 9am to 5pm daily. (231) 745-3529 for reservations.
Hey guys, once again my apologies for the delay in reporting here. (The same applies about my social media accounts as last time. They stay quite a bit more up-to-date if interested.) I’ve had quite a bit going on since that last report and some great fishing, but I moved a trip to another guide this past Thursday and have been at home with my wife Karen and our dog Ginger for the past five days in mourning. Below here is a little about that, but if you skip down to the fish pics you can skip it…

Sadly, my dog Tess took ill for just a few short days and when my wife Karen got her to the vet on Wednesday while I was out on the river the decision was made to send her to the rainbow bridge where she will join the rest of my pack comparing notes and playing. I am thankful that she did not suffer long at all and that she had a wonderful life that lasted 14 years. (Almost 14 years to the day of when we lost Taz on November 10, 2010.)

I’ve had many dogs over my lifetime as members of the family and the decision was made some time ago that when her time came, if Ginger was in good enough shape, we would get her (and us) a new companion right away. A new love, to not replace the lost one, but to add to the old love, seems to be the best medicine for me. 🐕🐶

As it turns out Ginger does still have quite a bit of puppy in her mannerism, and we believe that she will be a great help with a new addition. We will be picking up our new pup sometime in the next week in Indiana. An 8-week-old (He’ll be 9 weeks by then.) Yorkshire Terrier. This will be a big change from all of my large breed dogs of the past, but we fell in love with my sister Cindy’s Yorkie a few years back at a family reunion and made that decision then. His name right now is Bentley and we both like it so it’s going to stick… 😎💖

I spoke to my business partner John prior to starting this post and he assures me that he will be posting another report sometime mid-week this week with some current information. I feel a little out of touch having been off of it for so many days, but I’m out again tomorrow and the next day before taking another little break for some personal business.

As it stands, I’m out again on the 25th and then I have quite a bit of openings for the rest of the year after that, but we do have a guide or guides open to book just about any day from right now on out if you’re interested! (231) 745-3529 9am – 5pm daily for guide or motel reservations.
I gave in on the bead thing a number of years back now when it finally set in my mind that it was here to stay and since I have been fishing downstream of the fly water (It is not legal in the fly water.) I have been using them quite a bit. Let’s face it, it’s a simple and effective way for almost anyone to catch some fish if there’s a bite window at all and keep up with the Jones’s. (I had resisted it for quite a while before that hoping that it wouldn’t catch on here in Michigan as it did in Alaska. I remember guiding there back in 1994 when it was still in its infancy 😉🤷♂️)

Anyway, all of that is to say that many of the fish shown here were caught that way and most of the others were probably caught pitching crank baits on spinning reels. Two of the easiest and most productive ways to catch a Steelhead, but not necessarily “the best” depending on your mind set. Please do not hesitate to let any of our BBT guides know that you’d rather take the more challenging methods on if you’re up for that challenge and numbers are not your priority. We are happy to cater to your wishes!
As stated earlier, I’ve missed a fair number of days now, but our other guides (besides a few friends) have been pretty active during that time and after a few phone calls and text tonight I found that a few of these recent days have produced some impressive numbers! The “bite window” is always a little dependent on barometric pressure, weather and water conditions of course (Not to mention presentation, place and experience level.) so not all days are equal, but overall, it’s been pretty darn good and I’m looking forward to getting back out there… 😎🎣

The shop is fully loaded with everything you’ll need for just about any method so please stop in and see us if you get the chance or give us a call, we’re happy to ship! I’m going to cut this short now and rely on John to tell you more, but we look forward to seeing you around the compound or on the river.

As always, be well, be safe and have some fun!