Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm Daily
Last Saturday we hosted our annual Fall River Clean-Up and it was very well attended!!! A huge “THANK YOU!” to all of those individuals that participated in the event! It’s wonderful to see so many people that “walk the walk” and are willing to donate their valuable time to help preserve such a wonderful resource. We had 10 boats covering almost every section down to Walhalla…although we certainly did not get everything; we made a huge difference!!! We focused on trash on the banks, debris in the log jams and lines/flies/lures in the branches. I think each boat gathered at least one (if not more) 55 gallon trash bag from the river. We had a beautiful day and enjoyed a great gathering afterwards…thanks again!!!

We have concluded our King Salmon season and are turning our focus to hunting steelhead. We had an awesome run of kings (and there are still some new ones around) this year. We had low water and warm weather, but the fish kept swimming up the river pretty consistently all fall. We appreciate all the business at the shop, motel and guide boats….THANK YOU! We had a great time with the best customers in the world!!! Your support and loyalty are much appreciated! Now it’s time to turn the page and start hunting steel!
The river is still low and clear, but there is some rain in the forecast. We could use a good “flush” to wash out some kings, eggs and bring in some steelhead. There are fishable numbers around, but not as many as we would like at this point in the fall. Plus, there are tons of eggs tumbling down the river still, so there is no shortage of food. But with the kings thinning out and some rain in the forecast; it appears things are lining up for us.
After a busy salmon season I am taking a couple days off to prepare for the next 6-8 weeks chasing steelhead on the Pere Marquette River! We still have some excellent guide dates (and Motel Rooms) available for the remainder of the fall…give us a call 231-745-3529. We love guiding for steelhead and when not guiding, we are usually out fishing ourselves during this time of year! Flies, plugs, beads….we do it all!
The shop is slowly “re-loading” on inventory from a busy salmon season. We have everything for your fishing needs….flies, bait, hardware, fly rods/reels, beads, bobbers, ceneterpins, bait casters, spinning gear, waders, outerwear, swag….we got what you need no matter how you want to fish. Please feel free to contact the shop for river conditions and check guide/Motel availability…231-745-3529.
Just a friendly reminder…beads are NOT legal in the “Flies-Only” section (even if pegged above a fly). Plus, it’s a 1 fish (Steelhead) limit from Gleason’s Landing to Lake Michigan year round…1 fish per person per day.
We are looking forward to the next couple months! I have been getting rods rigged, tying flies and painting beads…I am excited! We finished our salmon season strong and looking to carry that momentum forward. Here are a couple photos from the late king season! We have been seeing a good number of cohoes this year too!
Thanks again everyone! Hope to see you on the river and/or around the shop! Enjoy the fall and good luck out there!!!