Shop Hours 8am – 6pm Daily

WOW, this summer flew bye!!!  We just returned from our annual Alaska trip and that means, fall is here (for us at least).  The river is running at normal flows/visibility.  I have not been out myself yet, but some reliable reports from friends and fellow guides finding some kings already.  PM Lake was fishing great last week and that batch of fish pushed up the river…so, we have one push of fish that came home.  However, with that being said, they are spread-out and on the move.  I plan on scouting out the lower river here soon tossing some gear.  We will keep you posted!  (BTY, the shop has been getting LOTS of calls inquiring if fish are spawning in the fly water.  NO, they are NOT spawning!  Turns out a different guide service partially updated their fishing report and did not delete the last part of their report from last October).  Anyways, between Steve and I, we will be posting new reports weekly…we will keep you informed!

Steve had a good scouting mission this morning and Kam fished a couple days while we were in AK and found a couple.  It’s a nice position to be in after the last couple years with slower starts to our fall king migration.  Since the last couple years started off slower, many clients pushed back their guide trips…so, we have several boats available daily until Labor Day weekend.  My current open dates are August 23 – 30 & September 1 – 4, & 6…please call the shop to lock in your guide trips…231-745-3529.  Plus, we still have some great lodging availability at our Motel too!  Early season we try to target the lower river with hardware, but we are always flexible if the fish move up- stream in fishable numbers.

It’s been exciting to already hear some great stories of guys finding kings in the river.  Please do not take this the wrong way…there are way more empty holes right now, but a couple spots have fishable numbers.  Anyways, just thought I share some info with you!  I got LOTS to do to get ready for the season, but I will be ready in a few days and looking forward to getting after it!!!  Let’s go!!!  The shop is loaded up with all your fishing needs and wants!!!

Like I stated above, we just returned from our annual trip to Alaska.  Another awesome week at Alaska’s Naknek River Camp!!!  We had a smaller (then normal) crew this year, but solid/fun group!  Thank you for joining us – Paul, Norm, Lisa, Bill, Jeff, Brian & Lars…great memories were made!!!!  And more importantly, a HUGE THANK YOU to Jim and Phyllis Johnson for hosting us.  You should be extremely proud of all your hard work over the years!  It is truly one of Alaska’a premier locations!  Camp has come a LONG way from 2007 (our first year hosting a group at camp).  You have an amazing team of guides, great fleet of boats, fantastic meals, clean & comfortable cabins, intimate knowledge of the region, years of experience and your in the PERFECT location for everything!!!

We had some challenging weather a couple days (high winds), but that’s the beautiful thing about their location….you can still fish!  We mixed up the week by fishing the Main river (Naknek) for silvers, pinks and Rainbows, crossing the lake and doing a couple fly-outs.  It is nice to switch gears daily and fish different rivers and/or target different species with different techniques.  Next years dates and rates are set…see below.   I know Steve is working on a MEGA report with lots of pictures from the entire group.   I could spend all day detailing the trip, but some pictures are funner, so here are a couple of my favorites from my camera….enjoy!!!

View of camp from the river

Silver Salmon are a great sport fish!!!
Paul and Max with a SOLID Naknek Rainbow trout…28 incher!!!
Great trout fishing team!
Beautiful morning flight to Moraine Creek
Rainbows and bears!
James and I with a nice one…fun catching up and hanging out! It’s been way too long!
Rainbows love sockeye salmon eggs!
“Bull Grayling”
Beaver Float plane

Moraine Creek from the air…great float!
Great morning stripping streamers for silvers on the Naknek!

Triple dipper of Char
Another fine meal…Thank you for everything over all these years!!!!

2025 trip details…

Our Alaskan dates & rates are set for next year! Please feel free to join us on this fantastic adventure in an awe-inspiring place, Alaska’s Naknek River Camp, August 9th – 16th, 2025

The “BBT Special” will be $4,995.00* per person for a week of fishing in some of the greatest water in Alaska! This rate INCLUDES the “Best of Katmai” Package; two fly outs throughout the week! $4,995 is the standard 2023 weekly rate without fly-outs so this is an incredible BBT exclusive deal!!! (We can also offer a no fly-out package for $3,995.00*, but fly outs are strongly encouraged during these weeks.)

*Rate does not include fishing license, airfare, guide/staff tips or alcohol. We recommend $100.00 cash, per person per day as a good starting point for guide tips as these guys work hard for ya! Any camp/staff extras can be done however you wish just prior to departure and alcohol can be purchased in King Salmon upon your arrival or picked up for you anytime during the week while you’re out fishing!

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the shop at 231-745-3529 for more details on this amazing trip!!!!

Stay tuned for more info on the king migration in the near future…see you out there!  Enjoy and please respect your fellow anglers.

