Well, I figured it’s about time I post something since we really haven’t updated in quite a while… As I’ve explained before, this is usually because there’s just not much new to report and/or nothing much has changed.

In some new and positive news, we did finally get some significant rains, and the temperatures are at a much better level. This past month has seen a whole lot of days where the water temp was simply not conducive to safely catching and releasing trout during the larger part of a 24hr period and we really just haven’t been out all that much.
Many of those days that I did get out we skipped most of the photo opportunities in favor of just leaving the fish in the water and releasing them without touching them off the side of the boat, but I did grab a pic or two along the way.

I did an evening trip last night (4pm till a little after midnight) with anglers Matt (shown above) and Elizabeth fishing the lower mid-river. The water was up a little, had a very nice stain and from the looks of it, it is probably a little more so of both today. Water temp was 64 when we started and 63 when we got off, a very nice change!

Elizabeth fished a spinning rod with various sizes and colors of Rapalas and turned some nice fish with a few following all the way to the boat and not committing, but Matt actually had the hot hand fishing mostly black streamers on a heavy sinking line.

Since I am actually keeping count now for my monthly DNR guide reports I can tell you that we only landed 9 browns in total, so it wasn’t “on fire”, but we turned a bunch more and lost a really good one right by the boat before losing an absolute monster of a fish on a mouse after dark, a true heartbreaker that I’ll likely lose some sleep over for a while…
We didn’t see any fish rising for anything along the way, but a bigger attractor type pattern or terrestrial may have still done the trick in that stain, that’s been pretty decent recently when the water temps allow.

John has those same two anglers out today and tomorrow before he and I head out to Alaska for a week on Friday. (Returning on Sunday the 18th.) Sounds like the Silvers are already starting to show in decent numbers up there and I’m looking forward to striping streamers and doing battle with those among the many other species big time! (I’ll post next year’s dates and rates upon return if you’re interested in joining us sometime.)

I’m taking Monday and Tuesday (The 18th & 19th) off to get fully organized for the King Season and then I’ll start on my downriver missions after that. As it stands, I only have August 22nd or the 25th open yet to be booked if you’d like to join me in the early season scouting action. We do have several other guides open for some great August and early September dates as well as a very few random dates mid-season so give the shop a call to check on those or motel room reservations! (231) 745-3529

My next personal open day after August 25th is October 22nd with plenty more beyond that, but those dates would be for Trout/Steelhead only regardless of any Kings that may or may not still be around at that point…🙄 (I do have some days that I’ve simply blocked off for my own mental health before that and I “might” open a few of those for the right repeat client, but I’ll address that much later in the season.)

The shop is filling up nicely with everything you’ll need or maybe even just want for the rest of this summer as well as the Salmon/Steelhead season that’ll be here before you know it and we are looking forward to seeing all of you! Outside of being fully stocked on all of your fly-fishing needs with most of the great name brands in the business, don’t forget that we are also fully stocked with some fantastic equipment and gear for your spin, float fishing and centerpin needs as well…

We can’t always compete with the big box stores and their buying power when it comes to pricing, but we do our very best to stay competitive with them as well as providing the products that actually work, and we hope that the value of our personal friendly service and advice more than makes up for any differences and wins your business.

Speaking of the shop, we have found some additional help for the upcoming season but are also still taking applications for full or part time positions and will still hire if you’re the right fit! Stop by the shop to grab an application or to talk with Jake directly if you or someone you know might be that person.

I don’t have much more for you off the top of my head right now so I’m goanna cut this short and go pack some things for Alaska. We will try to keep you posted on how the season is progressing upon our return and look forward to seeing you around the shop, the motel or on the river soon!
Till next time, be safe, be well and above all, get out there and have some fun!