Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm Daily
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! I hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday with family and friends. I know I am looking forward to it! The 4th of July also is BBT’s birthday…28 years and counting!!! Thank you for the support and loyalty over the years!!! Without you, we would not be doing what we love…thank you very much!!!

The summer is flying bye way too fast! What a roller-coaster ride so far…great hex hatch going; then the water got too warm; next the temps cooled off and we got hammered with rain…what can you do? Adapt to the conditions and make the best of the situation. I went north to a colder river for a couple days and then did lots of streamer fishing here on the Pere Marquette. It was great and we did just fine.
The river is in great shape for the time being after a good “flush” of water. The fish are thick and strong! We needed some good storms after the mild winter and dry spring. The watershed was “topping out” for a couple days. It was nice to see and fished very well with streamers during that time-frame. We had success on several different patterns…it seemed size and color did not matter too much. The trout were out hunting!!!
The banks are really coming alive right now. Damsels, ants, spiders, greenie worms, gypsy moths just to name a few. Hunting the banks with big dries/rubber legged creations will generate some great eats. Late night waking flies are a great approach at this time of year too! Twitch bugs fished wet have been very production when you are looking for some action.
The dry fly game is center stage now (until the next big storm…then back to streamers). Banging the banks, logs and bubble lines with foam terrestrials and rubber legged attractors. We have experienced some awesome daytime strikes recently with lots more of that available the rest of the summer. I really enjoy the challenge of hunting daytime trophy trout. It takes focus, skill, timing, persistence and commitment. You might cast all day for one good “eat”…but, somedays you get several opportunities.

We have Guides and Lodging available most days the rest of the summer. Give us a call to make your reservation…231-745-3529. Full and half day floats available…daytime attractors and some mousing after dark will be our program for the most part, but that is not set in stone. Morning floats can be extremely productive at this time of year too. Not to mention early king trips in late August and early September…we still have some great dates available until Labor day…give us a call!
Enjoy the Michigan summer! It’s been fun so far!!!