Shop Hours 8am -6pm Daily
Thank you to everyone that cared enough to participate in our Fall River Clean-up! Thank you…very fun day and we made a huge difference!!!!
We have been grinding in low water again. The fall steelhead action is paralleling the fall salmon run…low water and fish trickling in. We did have a good shot of rain last week which was really, really nice; but short lived. It flushed out some eggs and brought up some chrome steelhead! We have been working for bites everyday and getting opportunities, but HOT fish on lighter leaders…fun rides, but they win ALOT!
We have been throwing the kitchen sink at ’em! Drifting egg patterns and nuke eggs in natural tones ranging from #8’s to #12’s. Floating beads under bobbers in 8mm to 12mm light/pale colors have been best received (Remember – NO BEADS IN THE FLY WATER…Thank you!). Tossing plugs and spinners when the clients want to mix it up. It is amazing how the fish react to different techniques on certain days. Being open to multiple approaches is helpful when fishing is tough. We offer it all and are happy to apply whatever technique our clients want/prefer.

I did a trout streamer trip on Sunday in the upper river. It was great to be back up-stream and the water was perfect color for stripping streamers. We moved lots of browns, caught a handful and had a great time! Most of our action was on flashy patterns on a quick retrieve, but we also got looks on black & olive. When stripping streamers keep your strip pace aligned with the water temps…cold water = slower retrieve. I look forward to more streamer action throughout the fall and winter…we just need some water again.
We have been really busy and appreciate all the support and business! Thank you very much!!! We have been on the river a ton and it feels good! Shorter days have been making my procrastination list longer and longer as the season continues. That explains the delayed fishing report….I will try my best to keep weekly updates posted through November. We are back to “full strength” with our guide service; Donnie Richards is back until mid-spring. We still have some open boats available thru November and lodging availability as well. Give the shop a call to inquire and/or make a reservation…231-745-3529.
It’s November…time to hunt the river for steelhead!!! Gotta run and finish errands before another full week of fishing is on my plate. See you on the river or around the shop. Good luck out there! Please protect and preserve our amazing resource
PSA- Please Avoid launching at M-37….see below
Notice: Pere Marquette River
Streambank Stabilization & Floodplain Restoration Project
What: Construction In-Progress
When: During October 23 to December 31, 2023
Where: Second riverbend downstream of the Railroad Bridge, both sides of the river. Lat Long 43.859257, -85.858125
Please note that heavy equipment use along, across &
in the river will be occurring.
Please avoid paddling, guiding & wading through this section of river (M-37 State Access site to Green Cottage Federal Access site) during November 1 – December 31, 2023 if possible.
For questions on the project, please contact Conservation Resource Alliance at 231.946.6817 or [email protected]. Thank you for your patience as we work to stabilize this sensitive streambank.
John Karakashian