Hey guys, just a quick heads up on our current Pere Marquette River water temperatures if you plan to catch and release! Both John K and I cancelled/rescheduled our trips for this afternoon earlier today as the water temperatures are exceeding 68 degrees for the better part of the day right now…
It looks as though this may not last too long with both overnight and daytime temps getting better in the forecast, but this is always something to keep an eye on if your goal is to not stress the trout too much and can often be avoided just by adjusting the time of day/night you are fishing.
Below here are some screen shots from my phone showing you how you can check this accurately right from our site here and there are also a ton of articles on the subject you can look up on-line. We use 68 degrees as our stop fishing (Catch and release) temp here at BBT and, here is a link to an article I like entitled “Trout and water temperature: How hot is too hot?” by Chad Shmukler – Thursday, Jul 5th, 2012 published in Hatch Magazine.

Hopefully this information is helpful to some of you! More later as conditions require and once again, thank you all so very much for 27 great years in business The 4th of July is always that much more special to us being the shops anniversary…