Hey guys, long time, sorry… After my last report I took some time off as stated therein and have stayed pretty busy since. As John said in his report (If you haven’t read it, you should! Click here.) our heartfelt thanks goes out to all those people that helped out in any way toward BBT’s annual fall river cleanup!

This will be a short “report” of sorts from me since John did such a great job of covering what I would also say. We had the perfect storm this year with a great Salmon run and a really nice flush of water and cooler air at just the right time.

There was about a week there of some really silly numbers as that first big push came in, those fish have now spread out some, but more new fish continue to move in at a more “normal” pace and the fishing remains, overall, very solid.

I haven’t been the best at taking/getting photos lately, but to be fair, the majority of the fish that wind up on the line have been super-hot and photo shy to begin with! In other words, we’re still losing more than we’re landing, but man is it fun!!!

I’ve been bouncing around between the mid and lower river, but my understanding is that the open portions of the system have pretty much filled in now so you “should be” able to find fish in most of the usual haunts of your preferred water. Some days they bite good and some days it’s harder. That’s fishing, just go have fun!

I’m out again the next several days, but still have some prime openings as do our other guides and the Motel, just give the shop a call if you’d like to get in on the action! (231) 745-3529 The shop is open from 8am to 6pm daily right now…
That’s all I’ve got for now, till next time, be safe, be well and above all, get out there and have some fun!!