Shop Hours are still 8am to 6pm daily!!!
It’s hard to believe it’s almost Mid-July…WOW!!! Time flies when your having fun chasing trout. It’s certainly not over! It’s attractor season and terrestrial time. Either early mornings trying to beat the heat or late afternoon with some mousing…that is my program from here on out…stay tuned.

The fishing has been up and down…great a couple days and then tough one day. Definitely, technical conditions…low/clear water and the fish are tight to the banks and structure. The river is low and clear even after a small storm last night. We need some good rain in this area…it keeps going north or south of the watershed. The major hatches have come and gone, but there are still plenty of random bugs for the fish to feed on. Look for BWO’s, trico’s, and stones hatching periodically. Terrestrials, foam flies and rubber legged attractors will be tied up on most of my rods the remainder of the season. Small streamers and twitch bugs can be effective at this time of year too! And, of course, the after dark waking flies CAN be the most productive…but not a slam dunk!

It’s been a great summer so far and I am looking forward to the next chapter. Banging the banks, logs and bubble lines with dries is a great way to fish and cover water. You might be surprised where some of these big fish lay durning the day. The damsel strikes have been occurring on many days…very exciting way to catch a quality brown during the day!

We have been busy at the shop and still loaded up with a great selection of rods, reels, lines, flies, nets, waders….you get the idea. Swing in or shop on-line anytime! As busy as this summer has been, we are already preparing for the fall fishing season. Getting orders placed and receiving orders of fall products…I have been hearing some good reports on the Big Lake with some big fish again this summer. We will keep you posted on any developments over the next month. I have already spotted a couple random big fish…certainly not enough to target yet.

I will keep you posted as well as I can. I have several more trips over the next few weeks (and still some great openings) and then taking some time off with my family before the madness of salmon season fires up. Hard to believe we are talking about fall! We still have some prime guide dates available due to some recent cancellations and lodging throughout the fall. Give us a call to check on availability…231-745-3529. We have several great dates open in late August and early September tossing hardware for kings in the lower river!
Thank you to all the guests that have fished with us this summer!!! And all the customers that stopped in the shop and/or stayed at the Motel! It is truly appreciated and thank you so much for the support. I sincerely feel we have the best customers in the business and for sure the best staff!!!
I gotta run and get ready for my guide trip this afternoon…see you on the river or around the shop! Have fun, be safe and enjoy the solitude of the season.