Hi guys, sorry about my lapse here, but I’ve been taking a little me time lately and, per usual, if you’ve been following BBT’s social media, my own social media or John’s reports right here you’re fairly up to date! You may want to save this “report” for a later reading if you don’t have some time right now (As I hope you’ll actually read it rather than just skim thru some pictures. ?) but if you’ve got a few minutes, grab a drink, maybe a snack and read on… ?

There’s still a few Steelhead around, but for the most part that season is not much more than a really great memory now and trout season is in full swing. I know I say it often, but I really can’t say it often enough. We are truly appreciative of all your loyalty and support over all these years in an ever more competitive market, because without you, it simply doesn’t work!

This coming July 4th will mark 26 years of serving Lake County as well as West Michigan in general and every little thing from a single fly, a pack of swivels or just some good word of mouth right on up to a guide trip, a stay at the motel or a full-blown new outfit helps keep our doors open so we can continue to serve you, with any luck, for another 26 plus some!

Shop hours are still 8am to 6pm daily and we are well stocked with most items in all manners of fishing that you may need or just want for inland lakes and streams. Stop in, give us a call or check the on-line store (That I hope to vastly expand upon before leaving for Alaska in June. Many items that are in stock are not yet shown.) and if there’s something you need or want that we don’t have please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate you! Keep in mind however, that some items are still tough to get with various supply chain issues…

One more quick reminder and I’ll attempt some sort of actual fishing report! ? We still have space available for our Alaska trip and to my knowledge, possibly some of the last spots available for Alaska’s Naknek River Camp at all this summer. (2023 is available to book as well.) This is a great deal so if you’ve ever wanted to go, give it a look and join us for a fantastic adventure! Our trips to Argentina will resume next January also if Patagonia strikes your fancy…

The weather this spring has been interesting and quite the rollercoaster to say the least, but most major hatches and occurrences have not been too far off the mark thus far. Salmon fry are present in great numbers, black stones, blue wing olives and Hendricksons are all present as well and gaining the attention of some risers on the right day among a few others. Check our emergence schedule for a more comprehensive list…

Streamers, spinner and crank baits are the main name of the game right now and will, of course, continue to produce all summer. Match the hatch with smaller fry type patterns on lighter tippets for a little more action most of the time right now fishing insides, slow water and shallower places where the naturals are present, but never be afraid of the big stuff either against those undercuts, log jams and other cover. Sometimes it takes a big meal to entice a big fish from its lie; something worthy of its effort.

Darker flies on darker days or darker water and lighter patterns in clear water or clear skies is a decent rule of thumb, but rules are made to be broken “sometimes” and experimentation can result in great rewards. In other words, get good at tying knots and change it up often if what you’re doing isn’t working, you’d be amazed at how many fish are actually seeing, but ignoring your offering unless you’ve been present for a shocking survey here… ?
Nighttime can be the right time no matter what the season for those big nocturnal predators. Streamers and even nymphs will work if you know where you’re fishing well enough to not lose them all year around and as I’ve always said, waking/skating and dead drifting flies will work almost anytime after you’ve seen the first few fish looking up in the spring.
I’ve got a lot to do as well as a lot going on between now and my AK departure in June, but I’ve also got some dates open to trout fish for anyone interested as do John K, John R and Kam. Give the shop a call to check on dates, start times will vary depending on target and method… (231) 745-3529
The water is in great shape right now being up a little with a nice “streamer stain” and I’m looking forward to fun fishing with Kash tomorrow in the rain! Looks like we’ve got some really nice weather coming for a bit after that so I hope you get a chance to go out and enjoy it!
In closing I’ve got just two things! One is that Mother’s Day is right around the corner so don’t forget the lady angler in your life! BBT gift certificates for guide trips or merchandise are a great gift no matter what the occasion… ? Two is that if you are not yet aware of the didymo (rock snot) situation on the Upper Manistee please take some time to read about it from our friends at Mangled Fly here at this link and do what you can to help prevent the spread of this as well as other invasive species…
It may be a minute again before I find the time to type so until then, be well, take care, tight lines and, once again, thank you for your support!

Steve, thanks for the most excellent report, awesome mate!