Shop Hours 8am – 6pm everyday or Shop On-Line anytime at BBT On-Line Store
We are working on extending our hours at the shop…stay tuned! The shop is loaded up with inventory and more arriving daily, but the supply chain is still limited on some items. We had a great supply of thundersticks, but we are currently sold out and trying to get more. We are doing our best, but our hands are tied on some items…thanks for understanding! The guides are all booked until mid-October at the moment, but we still have some lodging availabilities. Our fall steelhead guide dates are filling up, so give us a call if you want to get on the books for late October – December…231-745-3529. Thank you for keeping us so busy!!!!
It’s been a fun time chasing the kings up and down the river system. I have been fishing the lower river mostly, but floated the middle section a couple times. There are fish throughout the system, but there are voids too. Covering water and fishing the holes has been the best plan to find fish. The average size of the fish have been in the upper teens, but certainly some much larger ones out there!!! Plus, there is a good number of jacks mixed in the most recent push of fish. I have seen a couple fish starting to spawn, but focusing on the pools and runs. The upper river has been generating some nice browns on egg patterns and I even spotted my first steelie the other day swimming up stream. This fall is setting up to be a good one!
The river is in great shape right now. It is running at normal levels and clear. Even with the big storm last week and a couple good shots of rain recently it’s in good shape. Last week’s storm was a very untimely event to start the season…sorry for the inconvenience of no power or phone service at the shop late last week. The BBT team stepped up and did an outstanding clean-up effort! Plus, manned the shop with a couple generators and a great attitude. We are lucky to have such awesome employees and we are still looking for new team members (Shop Clerk and Maintenance)…contact us if you are interested…