Shop Hours 9am – 5pm (Closed Wednesdays until March)
Winter has tightened it’s grip on us over the last week!!! Fridge temps, snow and more of the same recipe in the extended forecast. We certainly knew we were working off borrowed time with such a mild December and most of January. This too shall pass and spring is quickly approaching. March will be here and there are plenty of steelhead throughout the system.

The river is currently NOT in great shape. Lots of shelf ice and at times anchor ice and slush flows. The further downstream you go the worse the conditions (the river is totally frozen over at Gleason’s landing). No telling how this spring will unfold, but we are eagerly awaiting it’s arrival. The shop is re-loading inventory after a challenging fall. This re-load will hopefully keep you on the river with everything you need..or just “want”?!?! The guides are getting antsy and so are the clients/customers judging by all the phone calls recently. We still have some great guide dates available and/or lodging, so give us a call to make a reservation (231-745-3529). Currently, my open dates are: March 7, 8 & 9 April 13, 14, 18 – 23. Plus, it is never too early to lock in some late spring or summer trout fishing dates. (My mind has recently been wandering about summer trout fishing while tying flies. I am excited to “live-out” those daydreams of rising trout, violent streamer attacks and things that go bump in the night!)

It has been a good time to get lots of flies tied, order inventory for the shop and work on our new POS register system. 2020 was a very tough year for many people (including ourselves), but we are doing our best to build strength from that situation. It really was overwhelming to experience the support and generosity from our clients and customers. Once again – THANK YOU!!!

FYI…we have changed our Guide Rates/Policy to be more aligned with many other regional outfitters. We will NO longer be charging for flies or lures. Guided trips are $475.00 for a full day trip (one or two anglers) year round, $700.00 for a full day with three anglers (However, only certain guides offer the 3 man trip. Check with the shop when booking.) and $375.00 for a half day trip (one or two anglers) but, only available in the off-season. A full day consists of 8 hours fishing and a half day is 4 hours. Each guide will have a large assortment of productive flies for each trip. We will continue to provide top of the line equipment, clean boats, a grilled lunch and drinks.
Not much to really report fishing wise. Once this arctic air lifts, we will be full throttle on spring steelhead season! As the late/great musician, Tom Petty, would say “the waiting is the hardest part”. Look for more focused fishing reports and current conditions in the next couple weeks.