The shop is re-opened for business…9-5 everyday!!!
We have been limiting occupancy capacity to 10 and cleaning all surfaces frequently for everyones well being. It feels very good to have life back in our business and to be back on the river guiding again. With that being said, we still have plenty of prime opening and lodging available…give us a call to inquire/book a guided trip 231-745-3529. Dries, streamers, mousing…whatever is working best…full and 1/2 days available.

Trout fishing on the Pere Marquette has been pretty good, with a couple tougher days tossed in here or there (mostly weather events effecting the conditions). Regardless of the catching, the fishing has been awesome!!! Drakes are in full swing, sulphurs, stones, attractors, streamers and even waking flies after dark are getting good looks. It has been a “grab bag” of fishing styles over the last 10 days. The dry fly action will be solid for the next month with hexes in the near future!!!

I do not have a lot of time today, but wanted to toss up a quick update. We recently got a good shot of rain, but nothing like other parts of the state. The river is up and colored, but the fish were still rising good yesterday in the stained water. Streamer action has been very good too…with olive, tan, black and yellow producing.

June is right around the corner and that means dry flies in Michigan!!! Give us a call, we would love to take you fishing. We still have some guide restrictions for the time being. Thank you to those who have supported our operation and have been flexible with our situation…It is appreciated very much!!!
Heading out for a trip now…enjoy the weekend, be safe and good luck!!!
John Karakashian