Well, we are excited to be at least partially back in business with our guide services going active tomorrow, but as far as we can tell, it will still be the 15th at this point before we go full storefront. For the time being we will continue to check both voicemail and email messages for mail order items or, for a call back number to book a trip. (231-745-3529 and [email protected])

If you’d like to book a trip with me personally feel free to text my phone direct at 231-233-4533. Having just had my knee surgery done on Monday I’m told that I’ll need a little healing time, but this one was far less invasive than my last two surgeries were on the same knee and I’m also told that I should be good to go by the 15th! The 17th just booked a few minutes ago, but otherwise I’m pretty open thru Mid June and hope to be in Alaska after that…

For the time being due to continued social distancing regulations we are limited to one angler per trip in our drift boats and you as a the client will need to bring along your own facemask (Buff, bandanna, whatever…) food and beverages. Also, a spare key for your vehicle might be handy if you have one as we will not be traveling to and from the river together, but instead we will be having your ride moved along with our trucks. (The spare key is nice, but not “necessary” as we can also have them take and leave your key from in our vehicle.) We will cover (include the cost) of your car spot as part of our trip fee in lieu of your normal snacks, meal and beverages…

Those of you that have been fishing with us for very long already know that our cleanliness habits have always been a little above the average, but in addition to our usual habits we will have all of the disinfectants and sanitizers necessary to maintain a safe and comfortable environment before, during and after your trip for as long as you are in our bubble of responsibility!

The river is currently in great shape and streamers (As well as hardware for those of you that like to spin fish a bit.) are producing well. On warmer days we’ve already seen some good dry fly action and that should really start to ramp up as this cool spell gets replaced again with more normal weather.

I’m gonna cut this off now and get ready for some dinner, (And with any luck a few text! ;^) but I hope this finds you all well, we look forward to seeing you soon and I should start having more reports rolling in now on the regular! – Steve