March 26, 2020 Update!
Hey guys,
John Karakashian, Frank Willetts from PMRL and I all had a meeting with Ryan Andrews, our local DNR conservation officer, in my pole barn on Tuesday morning. This was to get some clarification on what is and what is not allowed. At the time this was all brand new, but much of it was self evident.
Anyway… I just had a “follow up” text message thread with him that I am now passing on to all of you. I am not here to argue any loop holes in it, discuss how far away your rowers seat is from the passengers seat, etc. and we are not the place to ask questions that need answers…
I am simply relaying the information as he asked me to as a public service announcement of sorts and you can do with it what you will, but be advised, it appears as though they will be enforcing these rules. (By the way, we are not the guide or guides that have called in any complaints and we don’t care to know who is.)
Now, so we’re clear, this next photo is from today by the way. That is John Robinson by the back boat (his boat) maintaining his 6’ or better distance from our friend Tom and his boys who are floating in their very own boat. They are out for a fun float today and are actually able to converse, hang out and have a good time all while following the rules of engagement so to speak! I will also be participating in these solo/group floats with my friends and colleagues whenever I can!
That’s all I have for now, please direct any questions or concerns on the above subject to the authorities and not BBT! We will pass along any information we get as we are asked to or, as we feel necessary…

March 25, 2020
Please consider us for a merchandise, lodging or guide gift certificate if you would like to show some support to BBT during this difficult time for all of us! Phone orders for in store merchandise can also be arranged and we will ship vis USPS!! We will be checking voice mail and email daily so just leave a message with a return number and we will get back to you!
Call 231-745-3529 or click to email [email protected]

Yesterday, after much deliberation and consideration we, as well as some others in our area, determined that our store front & guide services are probably not considered an “essential business” and our concern for everyone’s well being should “trump” (Pun intended! ) our own desire for a good season…

This is not a decision we take lightly, (Especially since we are about to lose something like a quarter of our annual income. ?) but just the thought of even the possibility of us being responsible for transmitting this virus from one angler to another is too much.

All that being said, the DNR is encouraging folks to get out and go fishing so if you can, I’d take advantage of the reduction in river traffic and come have a good time! (Remember to bring a second vehicle if you are floating with a friend as the car spotting services in the area are shut down now as well.)

We will be out fishing for fun quite a bit I’m sure over the next few weeks and we’ll be updating the river reports as we go. If you currently have anything booked with us we will be in touch with you soon and don’t be shy about booking ahead for the coming season(s). Be safe and be well folks. This too shall pass…