We are still open for business….Shop hours are currently 7am to 5pm Sunday thru Thursday and 7am to 7pm Friday and Saturday
We are in unchartered waters…It has been a crazy week with the Coronavirus Pandemic effecting everyone in the world in some manner. The stock market is effecting many; schools, offices, restaurants & bars all closed (just to name a few). But we are still fishing for steelhead on the Wild and Scenic Pere Marquette River. Our Guides schedules have been changing daily and totally understand…nobody wants to miss a fishing trip! With that being said, we probably have a guide available if you want a last minute fishing trip…please call the shop to inquire 231-745-3529. My current open dates are March 31 & April 1, 10, 13, 14…contact the shop if any of those work with your schedule.
I would like to thank everyone that is continuing to support our business and feel for those that can not make their annual spring fishing trips. We wish everyone and their families a safe/healthy future as we work though this pandemic. As a reminder to some of our groups that had to cancel…we understand, and please don’t forget to rebook your dates for next year.
The river is in good shape after a big shot of water 10 days ago. There are fish around and throughout the system, but not loaded. It is a mixed bag of spawning fish and new arrivals. Plus, the trout bite is picking up nicely. Nymphs (hexes, stones, fry & sparrows) have been my major producers since my last report. But the egg bite was hot yesterday. Grapefruit nukes, estaz eggs & clowns have been my go to egg patterns. (Just a friendly reminder….beads are not legal in the fly water in any manner. Thank You!). With the presents of some fry and more hatching daily the streamer fishing will start improving.
Here are a few that did not get away…

Well that’s all I have for now…I have a lot to do before the day is done and back on the river tomorrow! Take care, be safe and respect your fellow angler.
Later & Fish-On!
John Karakashian