New shop hours: 7am – 5pm everyday!!!!
Steve posted a very detailed report yesterday, so I am going to keep it brief. We received a big shot of rain yesterday and last night. The river and it’s tributaries are on the rise. This was a much needed event and welcomed conditions. Keep an eye on our reports and the NEW gauges for current water conditions. Thank to the PMTU chapter, we now have two new water monitoring stations! This bump in water is going to kick things up a notch and bring some new/fresh spring fish up stream. Please be safe and smart when wading!
Click here for the M-37 Water Station.
Click here for Bowman’s Bridge Water Station.

My current open dates are: March 17 April 10, 13, 14 & 20 – 23. Please contact the shop to reserve a trip and lodging 231-745-3529. Plus, we have Steve, John Robinson, Donnie and Kam available on many other days…give us a call! Our spring steelhead season is off to a great start and building a head of steam with higher water flows and water temps in the 40’s!!! It is going to be a fun week!!!
The shop is loading up on inventory with more on the way. Simms, Sage, Redington, Echo, TFO, Wapsi/Hareline/Montanta Fly Company fly tying materials, Fish Pond bags & nets, SA and Rio fly lines…just to name a few. We are stocked up on flies, leaders, running lines and terminal tackle. Please stop in and/or call (231-745-3529) for river condition/reports…Jay, Jake and Leo would be happy to help. Thank you for your continued support and looking forward to seeing you around the Shop, Motel or on the river.

Bug activity is increasing on the warm sunny afternoons. The nymph bite has been really consistent… stones, sparrows, hexes and fry. Eggs are getting bit, but I would not run a double egg rig at this point. Clowns, cream clowns, early girl glow bugs and assorted nukes should be in your boxes for spring steelhead fishing. Try matching size and color to the water conditions…big & bright in dirty water and small & natural tones in clear water. We already caught a fish on a salmon fry pattern this week, so it’s not too early.

Streamer fishing should pick up as the water temps and flows increase. Same advice for streamer fishing…match the color and profile to the water conditions. Strip speed is directly correlated to water temps also. We have a nice selection of swing streamers and stripped patterns in the shop. When streamer fishing please respect other anglers space and be seated when floating past fellow fisherman. The fish are spooky enough without a large profile/shadow floating bye…let’s all get along and catch fish!
Just a friendly reminder BEADS are not allowed to be fished in any manner in the “Fly Water”. Please respect your fellow angler…”ask before you cast” is always a good policy. Please catch and release our wild PM steelhead! Enjoy yourselves and see you out there!!!
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Save the date..May 2, 2020 – BBT will be hosting our Spring River Clean-Up and that same day will be the PMTU Annual Banquet!
Later & Fish-On!
John Karakashian