Hey guys,
Just a quick announcement first… If you’re interested in a great weekend that’s coming right up please join us on Saturday, November 2nd for our annual Fall River Cleanup! We (BBT) provide the garbage bags, car spots for those that need them and an appreciation dinner afterwards. All you need to provide is your helping hand along with other like minded conservation oriented folks wanting to help protect this awesome resource! Details to follow, but a head count at the shop is helpful so if you know you’ll be coming ahead of time give us a call with your count!

It just so happens that if you didn’t get enough excitement or Saturday you could stick around, fish a little on Sunday then join a bunch of us at Barski for his annual “Brewfest!” I have been to the two prior events and it was well worth the price of admission both times… ? I should have a full menu for this event as well as more cleanup details sometime this week so stay tuned, but tickets are selling fast for the fest!
Sorry I haven’t written much besides a social media post or two since my return from DC, just been guiding most of the time and wrapping my head and heart around recent events.
I do want to take a moment to thank everyone for the cards, calls, text, emails, etc. expressing your condolences. They were all very much appreciated and once again, as in 2016, I have been most certainly reminded of just how many of you great people truly care. Thank you!

I got back on the 9th, took the 10th off then got right back into the fold with lots of Kings still around to play with. I’ve only had a couple of days so far that we really chased Steelhead and those that were hooked were, unfortunately not landed! ?

Tomorrow kicks off my “official” Steelhead season in earnest with regulars Jay and Patrice, but I do still have many (Way too many actually! ?) great dates still available both in October and November as do all of our guides.

My next available dates currently are October 24, 27-30, then November 6-8, 10-12, 14… Call the shop to check on other guide dates, motel availability or just to book your trip! We’d love to have you.

There actually is a good number of Steelhead in the system already with more pushing in each day and friends, colleagues and associates of mine that have been putting in the time have been having success primarily on egg patterns, spinners, hot-n-tot type crank baits and, of course, spawn for those who like to bait fish…
Not much more to add right now, but I will try and take a few minutes to post another update prior to the weekend. Good luck if you get out and here’s to a great fall season!
Tight lines,