It is hard to believe, but it’s October!!! The recent rains have pumped up the river again. The river is high and still on the rise. The upper sections are “questionable” to wade, but if you know the river bottom you will be fine. The middle and lower sections are getting hit much harder and they will be “blown-out” by morning. The good news is there are tons of fish in the system and will be spawning. This bump in water level should bring up some of our chrome friends as well?!?! I have been day-dreaming of fall steelhead trips already…let’s go hunting!
The shop is open seven days a week from 6am to 6pm for the next few weeks and then we’ll adjust our shop hours. Our inventory has been getting hit very hard (Thank you!), yet we are trying our best to keep the shelves stocked. We have been working hard to keep the best options available and a great selection of products. We appreciate your support throughout our operation…guide service, shop and lodging…Thank You!!!
The high water will shuffle the deck and start kicking many, many salmon eggs towards the lake…which will start the bread crumb trail for the steelhead to find their way home! We have plenty of guide dates available this fall/winter for steelhead trips with our expanded staff. Steve, Robinson, Donnie, Kam and myself are on call to take you fishing; have some laughs; learn new techniques and enjoy a day on the river. Please give the shop a call to book a date…231-745-2935. My open guide dates are – October 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 21 – 24 & 27 – 29…first come, first serve.
Fishing has been a ton of fun this season! It has been like the “old days” on several floats…tons of fish and lots of big boys! The black widow sparrow nymph, stones and egg sucking leeches in the high water will lock horns with a mad king. Prospecting with natural colored (pale orange) eggs will produce grabs from everything with fins holding in the pockets and pools while the kings are spawning! Please be safe and wade carefully! Not to mention, boating safety is always a concern and hazard.
I have been extremely busy guiding everyday and enjoying it very much!!! My time on the water is appreciated and cherished…we only go around this life once!!!! I am very excited for the remaining salmon season, but steelhead are the next challenge!!! Good luck on the river and be safe!!!
Thank you to everyone that floated with me last week…here are a couple pictures to prove we catch one every now and again….Thank you!!!

Please be safe, enjoy our wonderful resource and respect other anglers. “Ask before you Cast” is the best policy & have fun!
John Karakashian